Chapter 22: Round One

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3rd Person POV

Beacon Fairgrounds

"Way to go, guys," Phoenix said with a grin as he walked down to meet up with the rest of his team. "You did great."

"Of course, as if there were any doubt," Weiss snorted with a smile, giving him a hug.

"Too bad you couldn't participate," Yang commented. "We floored the other team."

They were one week into the tournament, and Team RWBY had gone up against Haven Team ABRN in the team rounds. Since Team RWBY had a fifth member, Phoenix had to sit out. At least until it came to the final rounds.

"Yeah, I was watching," Phoenix said. "Made a lot of money on you guys, too."

"You bet on us?" Blake asked in disbelief before pausing. "Actually, no, that's definitely something you'd do."

Phoenix rolled his eyes. "Of course. And here I thought you knew me."

"We do," Weiss reminded. "Which is why we're not surprised that you bet on us."

"How much did you win?" Yang asked.

In response, Phoenix pulled out a large bag almost as tall as he was, causing their jaws to drop.

"How did you...?" Ruby trailed off.

"I'm an opportunist," Phoenix replied with a grin.

"What, did you rob a bank?" Yang asked.

"Nope," Phoenix replied, popping the P. "Just made bets against every Haven student I could. I knew they'd vote for their home team, so, easy money."

"I should be used to this, yet I'm not," Weiss muttered as Phoenix tossed the bag into thin air, where it vanished.

"How'd you do that?" Yang asked.

"Magic," Phoenix replied, wiggling his fingers.

All four girls looked at him disbelievingly.

"Okay... maybe I used my powers to teleport the cash back to the dorm," Phoenix admitted sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. "So, anyone else hungry?"

"I may have worked up an appetite," Blake admitted, just as her stomach gave a low growl.

Bending over, Phoenix poked Blake in the stomach. "Either you've got a chest burster in there... or you ate a dinosaur."

"Or she's just hungry," Yang said as Blake swatted Phoenix's hand away.

"Gee, if only there were somewhere on campus to get food around here," Weiss said sarcastically, gesturing to the fairgrounds around them. "Oh, wait."

"It's okay, Weiss," Ruby said, patting the heiress on the shoulder. "I forget about the fairgrounds, too."

"I was being facetious."

"Well, if you were hungry, why didn't you say so?!" Ruby exclaimed as Phoenix facepalmed.

"Come on," Yang said, waving an arm. "I know just the place."

As they walked off, Weiss's scroll started ringing.

Slowing down so that the others walked ahead, Phoenix got a look at the caller. "You alright?"

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