Chapter 12: A Minor Hiccup

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3rd Person POV

"Is this class ever gonna not bore me to death?" Phoenix groaned from where he was sitting between Pyrrha and Weiss in Port's class.

"Probably not," Pyrrha replied with a small smile.

"That's just great."

"So, Weiss," Jaune said, sliding over next to her. "You know, uhh, I was thinking, after this, maybe we could go grab a bite to eat?"

Weiss remained silent, staring at her scroll's clock.

"And... uh... you know, well, I've got two tickets to that new Spruce Willis movie if you want to make the trip to Vale," Jaune went on. "I hear it's awesome!"

A small flame flickered around Phoenix's wrist, and the mercenary shot a glare at Jaune, although he wasn't sure why.

"Aaaaaand... then maybe after that we could study together?" Jaune offered. "I mean you're smart, and I'm, uh... you know..."

"This is almost too sad to watch," Phoenix commented to Pyrrha. "Key word: Almost."

Just then the bell rang, and Weiss stood up.

"And then I..." Port trailed off. "Oh, uh... timed that one wrong, I guess. Well, the stunning conclusion to this story will have to wait! Until next time."

"Meaning, I have one day to retain my sanity," Phoenix commented. "Great, right?"

Pyrrha laughed.

"Weiss? Did you hear me?" Jaune asked as the heiress got up.

"No. No. No. Yes," Weiss replied, walking off.

"Nice one," Phoenix said, giving her a high five. "Hey, Jaune, need some Weiss for that burn?"

Jaune just groaned.

Timeskip brought to you by Weiss's Snow Castle

"I thought that class would never end," Blake complained as she, Ruby, Weiss, and Yang finished their final touches on their new outfits for going into town. Phoenix just strapped on his usual gear.

"Alright, guys, today's the day," Ruby cheered, jumping down. "The investigation begins!"

"I'm glad to see we're taking this so seriously," Weiss deadpanned.

"Hey, we've got a plan," Yang protested. "That's... moderately serious."

"More like half a plan," Phoenix corrected. "Me, I just follow four simple rules when it comes to plans."

"Meaning?" Weiss asked.

"Make the plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go off the rails... throw away the plan," Phoenix listed, counting off his fingers.

"And how often does that work out for you?" Blake asked.

"Often enough," Phoenix replied.

"Anyway," Ruby said, jumping in. "Everyone remember their roles?"

"You, me, and Phoenix will head to the CCT to check the Schnee records for any other Dust robberies or inconsistencies," Weiss said. "Seeing as I'm in the family, it shouldn't be a problem."

"I Schnee this'll be easy," Phoenix said, earning a laugh from Yang and a groan from everyone else.

"The White Fang has regular faction meetings to hand out orders and recruit new members," Blake said, getting everyone's attention. "If I can get in, I can hopefully find out what they're planning."

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