Halloween Thriller Special

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3rd Person POV

Vale Theater

"Weiss, come on~" Pheonix whined as he and the heiress emerged from the theater, the rest of teams JNPR and RWBY behind them. "It wasn't that scary."

"It really wasn't," Blake agreed.

Yang snickered. "Maybe, but at least it gave Pyrrha an excuse~" she teased, nudging Pyrrha as the champion blushed furiously, her face reddening as she and Jaune shifted.

"I was cold," Pyrrha tried to explain, amidst the cackling of Nora and Yang.

"Ah, ah," Phoenix teased, wagging a finger. "The only one allowed to be cold is my Weiss Queen."

"And what does that make you; the fire king or something?" Weiss shot back.

"Absolutely, I'm glad you've accepted my proposal," Phoenix said, winking and causing Weiss's face to redden.

"Y-you.... You dunce!" Weiss shouted and swatted him.

"I still don't get why you were holding onto Pheonix if you weren't scared," Ruby commented, her head tilted in confusion.

Weiss's face reddened and she huffed, stomping her foot. "I was not scared!"

"Hate to say it, but you were," Phoenix teased, poking her cheek only for Weiss to swat his hand away.

"I'm heading back to Beacon," Weiss stated, and walked off with Yang, Ruby, Pyrrha, Nora, and Blake following as Ren, Jaune, and Pheonix hung back.

Eyes glinting, Pheonix exchanged looks with Jaune and the rest of the boys. "You guys thinking what I'm thinking?"

"That we do a scary musical?" Mercury suggested, leaning against a wall as the group whirled to face him, Jaune yelping and jumping into Ren's arms.

"Where'd you come from?!" the blond-haired arc yelped.

"Well, when a man and woman love each other very much—" Mercury started, only for a cane to smack him on the head.

"I don't Jauney-boy over there's old enough for that," Roman chided as he emerged from the shadows of the alleyway, spinning his cane leisurely as he dipped his hat. "Gentlemen."

"Torchwick?" Eyes narrowing, Ren drew his weapons, dropping Jaune in the process. "What're you—?"

"It's Halloween," a voice stated as a Faunus dressed in black and red, a Grimm mask covering his features, emerged from the alleyway as well, a gleaming red sword sheathed at his side. "I'm sure that's enough reason for a temporary cease-fire."

Eyes wide, Ren and Jaune stared at the newcomer in shock. "A-Adam Taurus?" Jaune stuttered. "W—"

"Relax, Jaune," Phoenix said, waving a hand dismissively and nodding toward the bull Faunus. "So. You're here to join the fun?"

Adam nodded, crossing his arms as he did so. "What's the plan?"

Grinning, Phoenix held out an arm, and the boys gathered around, huddling. "Alright, so here's what we're gonna do—"

With Weiss and the Others

"Where's Jaune?" Pyrrha asked, looking around worriedly as the group walked down the street. "He was with us a few minutes ago."

"Ren?" Nora called, and the rest of the girls stopped, looking around as well.

"Maybe Pheonix took them to go do some guy stuff," Ruby proposed.

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