Phoenix Character Bio

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Name: Redacted

Alias: Phoenix, the Obsidian Mercenary, the Champion of Fire

Species: Human/Unknown

Gender: Male

Eye Color: Bright Amber

Hair Color: Ashen-Black

Looks: slightly muscular, lean

Height: 6'

Age: 19

Appearance (Clothing): 

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Melee Combat: Phoenix is easily able to overcome, overpower, and outmaneuver opponents when wielding his weapons. He is even able to keep up with superb fighters such as his sister and Pyrrha Nikos. In addition, he can wield both hands independently allowing him to engage multiple opponents at once.

Hand-to-Hand Combat: While he may not be as strong in this category such as others like Yang or Mercury, Phoenix is easily able to outmaneuver most opponents using his unorthodox fighting style, which consists of parkour and dirty boxing. Being able to infuse his body with fire further ups his advantage, and he is not afraid to play dirty.

Marksmanship: Phoenix is highly experienced with his weapons, enough that with his guns and bow (summoned) he is highly capable of shooting opponents within a half mile. His skill is such that he is easily able to use a wide variety of ranged weapons, and he is easily able to shoot up to three arrows at once with his bow with pinpoint accuracy.

Combat Prowess: Allows him to wield all of his weapons with extreme skill, including other people's weapons. He is capable of deflecting and slicing bullets in half, and due to his past as a mercenary, he is easily capable of fighting off multiple opponents at once.

Fighting Style: Very tactical in precise, Phoenix is very aware of how much force to put into certain blows and has a tendency to dodge or deflect just enough to expend the minimalist amount of energy needed. In combat, he is not afraid to fight dirty, due to his upbringing in the mercenary world.

Personality: Very adaptable and clever, Phoenix can easily adapt to roughly any situation thrown at him. He is confident, and can be very sarcastic and witty but takes his occupation seriously. However, he is willing to bend the rules if needed.

Likes: Weiss, Cinder, Pyrrha, Team RWBY, Team JNPR

Respects: Salem, Ironwood, Winter, his Mentor

Dislikes: White Fang, Bullies, Racists, Traitors, Manipulators

Semblance: Obsidian Infusion

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