Chapter 16: Phoenix

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3rd Person POV

"Guys, this is getting a little hard here!" Emerald shouted as she and the others were slowly pushed back by the horde of Grimm.

"I think we noticed!" Jaune shouted back, blocking a blow to his ribs and cutting the Beowolf down.

"What are we going to do?" Pyrrha asked, kicking a Boarbatusk away and stabbing an Ursa through the head.

"Keep fighting!" Ruby shouted, cutting down a Beowolf while Weiss fought beside her, a determined look on her face.

"You will all fall," the second Revenant hissed, kicking Cinder backward against the wall. Extending one of its wrist blades, it stabbed at Cinder's throat, and she barely managed to get her sword up in time to block the strike.

Gritting her teeth, Cinder pushed back, barely managing to keep the blade from her neck.

"Your time has come, false maiden," the Grimm hissed, drawing back its other blade.

Before it could strike, a loud screech tore through the air, causing Grimm and huntsmen alike to freeze.

"What was that?" Mercury wondered.

Suddenly, the crevasse where Phoenix had fallen exploded, the very ground getting blasted back into jagged spikes. A shockwave of fire burst through the air, incinerating dozens of Grimm around the explosion.

Shielding her eyes, Weiss looked toward the center of the explosion, and she gasped at seeing a figure barely visible behind swirling ashes.

"Phoenix?" she whispered, daring to hope that it could be him.

The figure raised his head and slowly stood up, his amber eyes flashing as flames burst out at the edges.

As the smoke cleared, Weiss's, Cinder's, and everyone else's eyes widened as two wings extended from Phoenix's back. Midnight black, with the edges tinted silver, the feathers on the wings gleamed. To everyone's shock, fire burst down the edges of the wings, lighting them up and giving Phoenix the appearance of a fallen angel cast from above, ready to exact his vengeance on those before him.

Phoenix slowly held out a hand, Dauntless gripped tightly in the other, and black embers swirled around Phoenix's palm, forming an elegant blade of flaming obsidian.

"Whoa..." Ruby said, staring at Phoenix in awe. Weiss couldn't blame her, as she was doing the same, as were the others.

"Phoenix?" Cinder whispered, a small flicker of hope in her voice.

Dauntless blurred through the air, the chained blade flying out, and impaled the Revenant through the chest.

"Get over here!"

Yanking the Revenant toward him, Phoenix grabbed it by the ankle and slammed it to the ground. Before it could react, flames burst down his obsidian blade, and Phoenix stabbed it through the chest, causing it to burst into flames.

"Give my regards to Hell," Phoenix growled.

Leaving the sword, Phoenix spread his wings and launched himself toward the Grimm as they charged him, ignoring the huntsmen as the Grimm deemed Phoenix as the most dangerous threat.

Phoenix became a whirlwind, his swords alight with flames as he cut down all Grimm in his way, impaling some with his blades, cutting others down with his wings, and vaporizing many more with his fire.

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