Chapter 5: The Badge and the Burden

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3rd Person POV


Waking up with someone landing on you is not the best way to start a morning.

Weiss woke up, rubbing sleep out of her eyes. Yawning, she looked out through the window and toward the morning skyline. Just then, a shrill whistle blasted in her ear.

"Gah!" Weiss jumped, slipping off her bed in the process.

Phoenix, who had been sleeping comfortably on the ground and using his backpack as a pillow, yelped as Weiss landed on top of him.

"Good morning, Team RWBY!" Ruby sang, jumping on top of Weiss's bed, whistle in hand.

"What in the world is wrong with you?" Weiss demanded.

"Could you please get off me?" Phoenix grunted. "Not that I mind, but this is not very comfortable."

Weiss looked down and, realizing who she was lying on, jumped to her feet. "Why did you do that?" she yelled at Ruby. "I need my beauty rest, you know!"

"To be fair, you don't need it," Phoenix muttered. "Oh, and Ruby," Phoenix requested, "please.... never do that again."

Weiss blushed. "S-shut up, you dolt!"

"It's for team spirit," Ruby said cheerfully. "And now that you two are awake, we can officially begin our first order of business."

"Excuse me/come again?" Weiss and Phoenix asked.

"Decorating!" Yang said, holding a pile of random items.

"What?" Weiss exclaimed.

"We still have to unpack." Blake held up her suitcase, only for it to open and spill all over the place. "And clean."

Weiss stared at them, and Ruby blew her whistle in Weiss's face, causing her to stumble into Phoenix, knocking them both down.

"Oh, come on!"

"Alright!" Ruby shouted. "Weiss, Blake, Yang, Phoenix, and their fearless leader, Ruby, have begun their first mission. BANZAI!" She held her fist in the air.

"BANZAI!" Blake and Yang mirrored her pose before all three of them did a strange tilting motion as a weird noise sounded.

Phoenix and Weiss exchanged looks and shrugged.

Yang set up some poster of a band while Weiss put up a picture of the Forever Fall Forest. Blake was stacking books, only to pause and blush at one of them.

"Ninjas of Love?" Phoenix asked, reading the title over her shoulder.

"Not a word," Blake grumbled, putting the book away.

Ruby put up some curtains... only to accidentally cut them with Crescent Rose.

Weiss sighed and, quicker than the eye could follow, fixed up the curtains.

Phoenix just stood there awkwardly, having all his stuff in his backpack. Shrugging, he decided to just set his bag in the corner.

After they were done, the five of them stepped back and examined their work.

"This... isn't going to work," Weiss muttered, examining the pile of beds in the middle of the room.

"It is a bit cramped," Blake agreed.

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