Chapter 18: Hunting Shadows

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3rd Person POV


"So, what happened again?" Phoenix asked. He and Weiss were sitting on one bunk, Yang and Blake on another, all of them facing Ruby.

"Well, after you guys went to do whatever you guys did," Ruby explained, "I—"

"Speaking of, where did you two go?" Yang interrupted, turning to Weiss and Phoenix.

"Umm..." Weiss and Phoenix exchanged looks.

Tell them? Phoenix asked silently.

Weiss hesitated, then nodded.

"Well... would you believe me if I said Snowflake and I are dating now?" Phoenix asked.

Yang blinked, and Blake dropped her book in surprise. "You're... not joking?"

Phoenix shook his head, and Yang pumped a fist. "Yes! Pay up, Blake!"

Blake sighed and passed her a wad of Lien.

"You bet on us?" Weiss asked incredulously.

"Duh," Yang said and grinned. "Merc owes me 20 Lien."

"Merc, huh?" Phoenix asked, raising an eyebrow. "You guys moving onto nicknames now?"

"Hey, we had to move faster than you and Weiss," Yang said, winking. "And relax, we're not together."

"Yet," Blake pointed out.

"Speaking of dates, how did you and Sun work out?" Weiss asked.

Blake shifted. "We... agreed to stay as friends."

Phoenix blinked. "Seriously? You two looked like you were having the time of your lives."

"Yes, but..." Blake hesitated. "It's complicated."

And I know why, Phoenix thought, but stayed silent.

"Either way," Blake said. "We should let Ruby continue filling us in on what happened last night."

"Thank you!" Ruby threw up her hands. "Anyway, I went outside to get some fresh air and saw this woman in black running on the rooftops, so I followed her and found her doing something in the CCT tower. I fought her, but she escaped. She also used these weird glass sword things."

"Glass swords?" Phoenix asked.

Ruby nodded. "Yeah, and she also combined them into this bow thing. Why?"

"Just curious," Phoenix replied easily, but his mind was whirling. Glass swords and a bow? he thought. Only one person uses those. But why would Cinder break into the CCT? Something doesn't make sense.

"Who do you think that woman was?" Weiss asked.

"No idea," Ruby replied. Before she could say anything else, Glynda's voice called over the intercom.

"Would Ruby Rose please report to the headmaster's office? Would Ruby Rose please report to the headmaster's office?"

"I gotta go," Ruby said, standing up. "Wish me luck."

"I'm coming, too," Phoenix said, standing up. "I need to speak with Ozpin about updating my contract."

"Why?" Yang asked.

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