Epilogue: 10 Years Later

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3rd Person POV

Fall Household

"I can't believe it's been so long," Weiss said softly, looking toward the screen of the TV as they saw Beacon's repairs and renovations finally completed. It had been 10 years since Ozpin's death, and Remnant had recovered rather quickly.

"Quite awesome, isn't it, Snowflake?" Phoenix asked, swinging himself through the door and embracing his wife.

Smiling, Weiss leaned her head against his chest and sighed. "You're never going to drop that name, are you?"

Phoenix shrugged. "What can I say? I stick with what works."

Shaking her head, Weiss smiled. "You're a dunce."

"But I'm your dunce," Phoenix corrected.

Weiss rolled her eyes and gave him a quick kiss. "And don't you forget it."

Phoenix smirked. "Not likely."

Just then, an explosion shook the house, and Phoenix sighed. "Come on, let's see what those two have gotten themselves into now."

Weiss nodded, and Phoenix opened the side door. Stepping through, Phoenix shielded his face and looked out at his home.

Green, luscious trees meandering down one side of the beach, the brilliant cloudless sky of Vale shone brilliantly over the shimmering surface of the sea as the waves crashed against the surf.

"Khione!" Phoenix called. "Where are you?"

A girl roughly five years old peeked out from behind a tree and hid behind it again. "I'm definitely not here!" she called, her icy blue eyes glinting as her black braided hair waved in the breeze.

Phoenix smirked. "Sure. And Avalanche isn't behind you."

"What?" she yelped, jumping out from behind the tree and looking around for her brother, only for the dark-haired six-year-old to jump down from above, tackling her.

"Got you!"

"No fair!" Khione complained.

"Na na na na na!" Avalanche taunted, his amber eyes glinting, only to yelp as Khione hurled an ice spear at him.

"Khione, what have I told you about throwing spears at your brother," Weiss chided.

"Not to," Khione sighed.

"Unless he's stealing from your secret stash of ice cream," Phoenix interjected, winking at Avalanche.

"Dad!" Avalanche complained and ran off, summoning flames to his hands and shooting himself into the air as Khione shot after him, a pair of icy spears in hand.

Weiss sighed. "I was going to stop them but... Did he really steal her ice cream?"

"Nope," Phoenix smirked. "It was me."

Weiss smirked. "Did you hear that, kids?"

Gulping, Pheonix turned and saw Avalanche and Khione glaring at him. "Um, we can talk about this, right?"

Eyes glinting, Weiss raised her hand, pointing at Phoenix. "Get him!"

Exchanging grins, the two siblings charged, and Phoenix yelped as he was tackled into the surf.

As Weiss watched Phoenix run across the surf, their kids in hot pursuit, she felt her scroll vibrate and she pulled it out. "Yes?"

Salem's Castle

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