Chapter 25

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It's been three weeks since Cameron left. And I've been trying to act like everything's ok. Trying to forget him. I walk into every meet and greet smiling and laughing. The questions the fans ask about Cameron and I float in the air and left unanswered.

"So for today's video I'm joined her with the one and only Maddie!" Casper Lee shouts. I wave at the camera and smile, that's all I've been trying to do these past few weeks.

I met Casper a couple days ago at an event and he wanted to do a video with me. So here we are filming a challenge video in my room.

As we finish off the video Casper runs around the apartment screaming from the pain of hot green peppers. And I roll around the bed crying and laughing. I don't know if it was from eating a bowl of peppers or missing Cameron so much.

Casper walks to the door. "Thanks for having me." I smile "We should make more videos together"

I laugh a little "Yeah we should." He asks for my phone and I nod sure. He goes through it and opens something then a minute later he clicks it off.

I frown "what did you do?"

He smiles at me "Now you can text me whenever" And he walks out closing the door. Ok I don't even know what that was.

I walk back to my room and edit the video. While I was halfway done I hear the front door open. "Nash is that you?" I call out. Earlier he texted asking me if I wanted Chinese for dinner. He was still pissed at me about the Cameron thing so we weren't talking as much.

I walk into the living room. I stop In my track "Cameron?" He puts down a bag and walks into the kitchen. He takes a leftover burrito and walks back to me. "Hey" He nods.

"Came- are you coming back?" I ask a little to much hope in my voice. He nods then bits into the burrito. "Can we ta-talk about what happened."

Cameron walks to a couch and sits on it setting his feet on the table. Looking up at me he says. "No I'm done talking about it. I've made my decision just like you have. We can be just friends and I'm moving on and if you really ever had feeling for me you should to. And heads up while I was away I met this girl so she'll be over later.

I sadly smile. Three weeks and he's already moved on.

"Cameron you told me you didn't like pineapple on your pizza so why are you eating my side" I hear whining from the living room and minute later there's loud laughter.

Cameron's rebound girl is over. It's so hard to listen to him laughing with someone else. It's crazy how just a few weeks ago that was me with him. I get out of bed and peek out the door. They were settled on the couch cuddling and eating pizza while watching a movie.

Just as I walked into the living room I hear the girl whisper "Isn't it weird living with her. She's all big on YouTube but she seems pretty lame and stupid. Her videos aren't even that good."

"Yeah" Cameron laughs nervously.

I laugh a little hurt but not wanting to show it "Thanks" Both their heads spin around with a shocked expression on their face. "Next time you wanna say something about me make sure I'm not down the hall." Her face heats up turning ten shades of red.

This chapter is bad and short I wanted to update but I didn't know what to write.

If you guys ever wanna leave me some ideas in the comments feel free. I might just put your idea into the story (*wink wink*)

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