Chapter 11

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"5 minutes are up" Chelsea says

Cameron got off of me and just smiled walking back to the circle. He just smiles. After having a 5 minute makeout section all he does is smile! I walk back to the circle and everyone looked like they were durnk. Where was Chad during this...

Hayes was the only one who didnt drink since he was only 14. Nash was 16 but he still drinks. Wow they're gonna have a really bad hangover tomorrow. When i sit back down Carter looks at me angerly gets up and walks away. Whats his problem..

I get up and start to follow him. "Whats your problem.?

"Nothing" he says truning away from me"Ok well i just saw the girl i fucking like making out another guy.."

"You said it was ok. You know what, Im done with this bullshit. If im with you Cam gets mad,If im with him you get mad. Im done with both of you ok.!!" I say walking away back to the cirlce. I was really pissed now. Im seriously done with them. I didnt join this tour to fall in love.

Sitting down by Matt i tell him to pass the drink. There was a bottel of tequila, and vodka,And other drinks. Instead of taking tequila shots, I just took a big sip out of the bottle. It burned my throat but it felt good. I took a couple more drinks. I drank a lot! After a whileI was super drunk..

Someone truned on the music. Chelsea started grinding on Sam. The other tall blonde was dancing with Nash and Jc. And other one was all over Cameron making out with him. Carter was with other one. Matt and Kian were with me. And Conner and the others were going crazy drinking and dancing

I was really drunk and at that moment seeing both Cam and Carter with another girl i didnt really care about anything. I pulled Kian close to me and..Thats all i actually remember.


The next morning i woke up with a really bad headache, and i didnt know what happened. I turned my head to look over to the nightstand and there was a wall. thats when i noticed i wasnt in my own hotel room. I look over next to me on my left and saw Kian next to me..

"Shit" i say. I was in my bra and underwear so nothing serious happened. In the other bed Sam was sleeping by himself. and the bed next to his was Jc also sleeping by himself. I got up and walked to the bathroom which was close to Kians bed. I looked in the mirror and i looked so horrible. My makeup was sorta smeared and my hair was tangeled. I took a towel.

I walked back to the bed grabbing my shorts and sweatshirt. Wrapped the towel around my body and walked out of the room. I just noticed i didnt have any shoes. Luckly i didnt have to walk far. Kians room was just 4 doors down from mine.

Shit i forgot i dont have the keys. I started to knock and Cameron was the one who opened the door.

"Looks like you had fun last night in bed with someone" he says sarcastically

"Shut up" i say pushing past him and walking to the bed. None of the girls were here, but the room looked horrible. All the guys were past out on the beds. I look over at the clock on the night stand and notice it was past 9.

"Fuck. We're late" I say to Cameron since he was the only one awake.

"Yeah Chad came by exactly at 9 and he knew we had a little party last night. He just doesnt know about the drinks. He said he needs us by 10:30. We delayed the show."

"Oh well that gives us an hour to get ready. Im gonna go shower before they wake up" i say walking towards the bathroom.

"Wait" Cam says grabbing my wrist " about last nights kiss it really was.."

"I dont remember anything about last night" I lie. Breaking from his hold i walk into the bathroom and lock it. This is it. Im done with both of them.

I showered for about 30 minutes until i heard hurry up from outside. I got out and did my makeup and got out. I had a towel wrapped around me. Cameron also looked like he took a shower. He was by the beds. His body omg was perfect...He was putting a shirt on.

"Oh sorry" i say turning around.

"Its ok"

I walked over to my suit case picking out my outfit. I chose a white strap less crop top with a dark blue high low skirt, a white bandeau and white thong. And Black high heels.

Lucky i found one of the bathrooms empty so i went in there to change. When i finished i got my curling iorn and cruled only the bottom of my hair. This was my first event and im super excited. When i finished everyone was getting ready to leave. All the guys gave me compliments and told me i looked pretty. Even Carter and Cameron said i looked Beautiful.

 Then I started looking around for my phone but i coulnt find it.

"I'll call it" Matt offers

I found it under the bed. And we started walking out of the room. Chad met us out in the lobby and he was really mad. "Beacue of you guys we had to dely the event for an hour." leading us to a huge limo. This is gonna be fun!!

The limo ride was quiet considering everone had a headache and was hungover from last night. The ride took about 20 minutes and when we got there, there were screaming fans lined up already. When they saw us pull up they started circling the limo. Knocking on the window, Taking pictures.

We got escoted by secuirty in to the building. We didnt have time to do the practice thing. The room was already filled up.

Kian was there already. He started walking towards me.

"Hi" i say

"Hey, you weren't next to me when i woke up" he sats with a smile

"Yeah i know, i went back to my room."

We were inturupted by the loud speakers

Now that got me wondering. Did anything Happen last night with Kian.....?

Yess i made this really long (:

Thanks for reading. Love you guys <3

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