Chapter 6

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My heart beat against my chest faster and faster with every movement I made. I was mesmerized by the amount of people that came out to see me and the guys. The energy from the crowed screaming my name ran through my veins. I couldn't help but close my eyes and listen. "Maddie, Maddie, Maddie." They all chanted.

The amount of butterflies that have formed in my stomach felt crazy and unbelievable. Although I was nervous I couldn't stop smiling. Cameron walks over to where I was standing. I can feel his stare on the side of my face. "Who would've thought we'd be up here huh?" He crosses his arms.

I open my eyes. The chanting continues. A stage manager dressed in jeans and a black shirt walks to me talking into his headset. "One minute till you go up." I nod as I watched him walk away. I look at Cameron. "Yeah this is unbelievable." 

Cameron looks down at my shaky hands. He does the unthinkable and grabs them. I was still trying to process what happened between us last night. I didn't know him enough to like him yet but he seemed really into the kiss. He realizes what he's doing and drops them. "You're gonna be fine." He assures me with a smile.

I give him a quick smile back before running off to the man with the headset who was waving me over. He hands me a microphone. I take a deep breath before I walk up the stairs and out on to the stage. The moment the crowed saw me their screams grew louder. I stood there frozen by how amazing it felt to be up there. From the side of the stage the man with the headset was trying to get my attention. I look over at him as he waved his arms. He mouths "Go on." I look around at the different lights that lit up the stage. The crowed was bigger then I thought. A room filled with 750 people all screaming my name. The nervous feeling I got earlier went away and I began to feel more confident.

This was the most amazing feeling I've felt in so long. I never knew a room filled with screaming fans would ever make me feel this kind of happiness but it did. I was absolutely amazed. "Los Angeles how are we tonight?" I say into the microphone. I get screaming as a response.


"And that's the end. Those of you who have VIP tickets please make sure to show security your ID and tickets before entering the meet and greet. Goodnight LA." Matt finishes off the last act.

The guys and I all go backstage after each of us preformed. "That was amazing." I pant, wiping the sweat off my forehead. Everyone was hyped from their own act. The last act was my favorite because all the guys and I went up together and did a skit.

The man with the headset leads us to the meet and greet area that was now packed with hundreds of fans reaching their arm out, waving their phone around, and chanting our names. There were less people in this room then the other one because it was extra for the m&g and not many people can afforded it.


"Tonight's our last night here guys so make sure you pack your bags for the morning. We're leaving around 6 am." All the guys groan. I hate waking up early like most people and I'm definitely not a morning person but for once I was actually looking forward to this. I chuckle amused by the their reactions.

I walk over to Cameron who stared at his laptop screen like a zombie. "Wanna go out?" I whisper into his ear, making him jump in surprise. I don't know where this new confidence is coming from, but I liked it. I smirk as he looks back at me with a confused expression.

He takes a minute to think before closing the computer and placing it in the corner of the room. "Maddie, did I just hear you ask me out on a date?" He says sarcastically in a weird accent.

I laugh at how dumb he sounded. "You're funny." I back up slowly. "I'll just ask Nash instead." I mimic his accent.

"Ask me what?" Nash butts into the conversation. The guys all turn to look at us then back at Nash.

I look at Nash with a clueless face. "Did I say Nash? I meant Nashville." Cameron looks at me and bursts out laughing.

"Worst save ever." Cameron stands up, whispering into my ear. I shiver in response to his closeness.

I didn't realize Nash and Matt were watching us carefully. "Damn it Cameron, have you already claimed her?" Nash jokes.

Oh god....My face heats up. "Dude shut up." Cameron rolls his eyes with a hint of amusement. We walk out of the room before anyone else can add a comment. "So what did you have in mind?" Cam asks as we exist the hotel.

I was a little embarrassed because I haven't thought this far. I didn't actually think he'd want to go out. "Um...this is my first time in L.A. so I was hoping you'd have something in mind...."

Cameron chuckles. "You're an L.A. virgin, I see." Oh god if only he knew that wasn't the only thing I was a still a virgin of... "There's this amazing place called In and Out Burger. You can't come to California and not try it. And Cali has the best beaches in my opinion."

I smile. "How about we get something to eat from this so called amazing place In and Out and take it to the beach."

Cameron nods giving me a grin "Let's do it."


We sat on the sandy beach known as Venice Beach with our food. Cameron was right. They had the best burgers. It was starting to get dark out and many people have started leaving. "So what other places have you been to?" Cameron asks before bitting into his burger.

I take a moment to think. "Indiana and Chicago. That's pretty much it. Now I can add California." I say proudly.

Cameron looks at me shocked. "You're not serious are you?" He sets his food down on his lap grabbing his drink. He takes a long sip before saying "Well at least you get to travel now. There are so many great cities and counties."

I finish the last of my burger and nod in agreement. "Yeah, I'm really excited. I never knew traveling can be so fun," I run a hand through my hair. "What about you? What place shave you been to?"

Unlike me Cameron didn't have to think about it. "I've been to almost every state in the U.S, Europe, Australia, and Canada." He takes out his phone and does something for a few seconds. Than he points to something. "I always take pictures of my favourite places." He slides through pictures showing me some amazing, artistic pictures he took.

I look at each picture in amazement. "These are amazing."

"Maybe now that we're traveling together, you'll be in these pictures." I look away blushing at what he just said. I had no idea how I was supposed to reply to that. I think he felt the awkwardness too. "You know so you can have your own collage." He adds


Thanks again to Everyone whos reading and voting!

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