Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Hi Im Maddie. I have long bright brown hair and brown eyes. Just like any other girl I've always dreamed of becoming famous. I make 6 second videos on vine. Yes im an 18 year old girl cooped up in here room makinging vines. But it was all worth it, because I have more than 4M supporters. I also like to make YouTube videos. And beacuse of that I got offered a job yesterdsy.

But before I get to far lets start from the beginning.

It was twelve in the afternoon and I was still sleeping. I usually never leave my room because I'm socially awkward. That's why I spend more time online then outside my house. I was in the middle of a good dream when I heard multiple knocks on my door. I try to ignore it but it still continues. I roll around my bed hoping the knocking was from my dream. I was absolutely wrong because the next thing I know I fell of the bed and the knocking was still there. "Ow" I say to myself, holding my elbows.

"Maddie mom said to come downstairs" A voice from the other side yells. Of course it was Nate. Mom always sent him to wake me up because she thinks I spend way to much time in my room.

"Go away. I'm awake now." I shout back. I stand up from the floor and go back on the bed, putting the covers over my head again.

"Maddie, it's serious. There's someone here to see you." Nate continues. Why can't he just go away? No one ever comes to see me, unless it's the old neighborhood lady Ms.Len.
"If I were you I'd get up right now and go. It's really important" Nate adds.

"That's what you say about everything" I reply back.

When I don't hear his voice on the other side anymore I smile, knowing I know I won the argument and I don't have to get up now. But let's say I was also wrong about this. Next thing I know my door was being unlocked by a key and Nate drags the covers off of me. "Get up now. I'm not letting you waste this opportunity just because you don't want to get up."

I groan. "Ok, ok. I'll be down in a minute." I sit up on the bed. I wonder what he meant by "I'm not going to let you waste this opportunity." Nate doesn't budge. He stands in front of me tapping his foot on the floor with his arms crossed. This must really be important. "Ok, see I'm up" I roll my eyes, standing up. "Am I at least allowed to use the loo?" I laugh.

"Yeah, but hurry up. He going to have to leave soon." Nate then walks out of the room a smirk on his face. What's he smirking about. I walk out of my room and into the bathroom I shared with my mom.

I stand in front of the mirror and my reflection stared back. I turn on the faucet and splash some water on my face. I then dry my face. I still had bed head and since there was someone waiting for me downstairs I put it into a bun so I didn't look homeless. I was still in a shirt and shorts I wore as pajamas. Probably not something you wear when you talk to someone but if it's Ms.Len again then I don't care if she sees me like this. But Nate did say it was a he. I shrug and start to make my way downstairs.

When I was make it down I head to the kitchen to get some orange juice. "Good morning mom."I don't turn my back because I know she was sitting at the kitchen table, reading her magazines like every other day. I walk to the fridge and pouring my self some orange juice.

"Honey, it's actually afternoon and there's someone here to talk to you." She replies.

I chuckle. I really needed to stop sleeping in so late. I'm missing out on so much. I turn around and I was right she was sitting down at the the table, Nate standing behind her. But next to her sat an older man maybe in his mid 40's. He had the bluest eyes and grey hair. He sat in a black business suit. He stared back at me with a friendly smile. Why did this man look so familiar? "Um who is this?" I was surprised to not see Ms.Len.

I set down the glass on the counter and make my way to the empty seat at the table. I sit down slowly, looking at the familiar man. I think I know him from Twitter. He chuckles at how I was looking at him. "I'm Chad Grier". he said holding out his hand. I froze as he introduced himself. I can't believe Chad Grier was sitting in front of me in the same kitchen.

I feel a kick under the table. I finally regain control. "I'm Maddie" I said shaking his hand. I turn to mom giving her a thank you look for kicking me under the table so I didn't look stupid with my mouth open.

"Yes I know." I can't believe he knows who I am. This is crazy. I wonder what he's doing here in my house. I really can't believe Nash Griers dad was here. It's like he read my mind because he started explaining why he was here. "I know you're wondering why I'm here. I wanted to recruit new members for my sons tour group Magcon. And I came across your page. I found your vines very interesting and I think a lot of your fans would love to see you in person. I contacted your mom through the email you provided and she said I can fly over to meet you. I'm assuming she is your manager?" I nod my head with a smile.

"This is crazy." I say.

"You don't have to make a decision now even though that would be nice. If you do agree, we can fly you out to California as soon as tomorrow."

I look at mom who had the biggest smile on her face. She looked like she was so happy for me. She nods her head telling me to accept. "Mom what do you think?" I ask her even though I know she wants me to do it.

"I want you to do it Maddie. This has always been your dream."

I look at Nate who was smiling. "You can't pass this up."

I look back at Chad "Then I guess I'm going to California."

Chad smiles at my reply. "Ok, Im staying in Chicago till Tomrrow. You can start packing today and I'll come back tomrrow to pick you up.

"Ok thank you so much this means a lot to me." I shake his hand.

Mom tells me to go pack so she can talk with Chad a little more. So I head upstairs and walk to my closet. Then I gathered all the clothes I was going to pack and throw them in the washer.

I was so excited that I needed to tell someone about this until I realized I didn't really have friends. That night I made sure I had everything I needed.

Then I go to bed. All I could think about was what just happend today. Im always that girl whos never really had friends. I always keep to myself. And I only started vine for fun, but I never thought I'd be something big now.

I started to drift off...


Hello guys! So i hope you like the first chapter.

I actually feel like this story is going to be good once im finished

There'll be more drama in the 2nd chapter!!

so i hope you guys keep reading. And ill try to update every Saturday. i hope i can cause im actually really excited about this story!!

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