Chapter 4

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The guys probably took over 10 minutes to argue about where they wanted to eat. We sat in the car and I watched them, laughing every now and then. After a while we all settled on Italian. Olive Garden was the closest so we drove there.

We sat down an looked through the menu. Everything was super expensive. I wonder who was paying for all this. I think it was Chad because he said "You guys can get whatever you want." Once the waiter arrived to take our order the guys again took forever to give their order. They kept changing it. Once it was my turn I order the fettuccine Alfredo.

The food arrives and we all start to eat. The whole time we talked and laughed. There wasn't a dull moment in the conversation. I've never hung out with a lot of people like this before besides family gatherings and those are usually boring. But for a first time with a lot of people this was super fun. I didn't talk much because I was being observant. I noticed how all the boys were funny and they enjoyed making each other laugh.

After they talked about some weird experiences they had while they were meeting fans Carter asks "Do any of you guys follow Maddie on any of her social media?"

All the guys shake their heads no. Wow I felt so flattered. They said they we heard of me but never had the time to follow. So I exchanged number with all of them and they all followed me on twitter, Instagram, and vine. I follow each of them back.

"I'm going to go to the restroom." I scoot my chair back. As I got up for the bathroom I was a little lost. But I noticed a couple of fans had recognized me and we're heading my way. I smile at them. I was used to this kind of thing. This was probably the only time I was ever social back home. I take pictures and signed their phone cases. I ask one of them where the bathroom was and they were so nice that they offered to lead me there. "Thank you" I say, giving them all one last hug before they went off.

I didn't really have to use the bathroom. I only came in here because Cameron keept looking at me and I couldn't stop the blushing. After a few minutes I walk out of the bathroom, waiting for me was Carter. "Hey?"

He kept looking down at my lips and before I knew what was happening. He crashed his lips with mine. My eyes widen. What was he doing? I push him off of me. "What are you doing?" I ask with a frown. Well there goes my first kiss...

"I-I just...I'm sorry." He apologized

"Uhh Carter? Maddie? Chad wants you guys back at the table he said he has something to talk to us about." A familiar figure appears. Carter walks off without glancing back.

Cameron gives me a questioning look. I push past him back to the table. The three of us sit down without saying a word. Carter didn't look at me once for the rest of the dinner. Chad tells us some more info about the tour and then we head back to the hotel.


Matt, Nash and Hayes were making a another youtube video. Chad was talking on the phone. And Carter and Cameron were both on their phones. And I was video chatting my mom.

As I said goodbye to my mom. I realized that now I have nothing to do.

So I went to the kitchen grabbed a bag of chips and went back to where the guys were. "Hey guys im gonna go up to the roof."

Matt and Hayes and Nash noded at me. "But its 1:30 in the morning" Chad said Shutting off his phone.

"Yeah I know but-"

"I'll go with her" Before I can finish my sentence Cameron interrupts.

If I was being completely honest I wanted him to come but I didn't want to make it seem like I did. "You really don't have to. If you don't want..."

Cameron smiles "I want to." As Cameron said that I hear Carter scoff. I glance at him as he roles his eyes. He's been weird since the day he tried to kiss me.

I ignore it and grab a blanket, the chips and my phone and headed out the door with Cameron following behind me.

I can feel my heart beat against my chest faster then usual. I wonder what's happening to me. I've never felt anything like this. The butterflies have returned. They come whenever he was around me and they go when he's not. If I'm being correct then this is a sign of liking someone but I couldn't be I only just met him.

When we got to the roof I lay down the blanket on the floor, sitting down and put my back aganist the wall . I open the bag of chips and open up twitter on my phone. I know it was rude to use your phone when you're with someone but he wasn't talking so I think it's fine. See what I mean? I'm not very good with people.

"Why do you wear sweatshirts when its warm out?" He asks, sitting down.

"I like being comfortable  " I say, looking back at my phone. We both go silent. I locked my phone, setting it down between us. I take some chips from the bag. And munch on it. I loved the taste of salt and vinegar chips. It's always been my favorite. The only sound was the busy city and my quiet munching.

Cameron breaks the silence after what felt like forever. "So are you and Carter a thing?" The question came out of nowhere. I choke on the chips. I start to cough. "Are you ok?" He asks with concern I his voice.

I was not prepared for this. Why was he asking? And then it hit me. He must've seen Carter kiss me. I thought he got there as I pushed him off but it must've looked like I was doing it because he came. "No of course not. I don't anything with anyone. Well at least right now. I take a quick glance at him. His face fell as I said that. "But if someone happens to come along and I really like them then I might change my mind." I add, looking at him from the corner of my eye.

His face lights up again. What was I doing? I felt so comfortable with him somehow. "And what would this someone have to do to make you like them?" I see a smirk appear on his face.

I play along "Why, are you interested in being this someone?" Why was I saying this? I wanted to jump of this building the moment I said that. I felt my face heat but but I was glad that the only light was coming from a tall lap on the street.

Cameron chuckles. "Maybe I am."

Even though I was embarrassed of what I said earlier I didn't stop there. I had to make things more embarrassing. "Can I ask you question?" he nods his head. "Why is it that you always stare at me" Go jump of the building I say to myself.

I don't know where this amount of confidence is coming from. "I don't know." Cameron reaches over for the bag and grabs a handful of chips. Thankfully I didn't make it worse by asking another stupid question.

I watch as he eats the chips quietly. He looks at me. "You can have the rest." I say handing him the bag. As he reaches over his hands brush against mine. I felt like I was about to explode from the amount of heat my body felt right now. And the heat wasn't coming from the cool breezy air but from this stranger sitting right next to me.

Cameron's eyes meet mine. I couldn't look away. I was mesmerized by him. I didn't know what I should do but he did. He positioned his body so it faced me and leaned in a little closer.

With one swift motion he brush a piece of hair out of my eyes. "Tell me stop" He whispers. His lips ere not a centimeter away from me. I felt his breath tickle my lips.

I've never kissed a guy before expect the awkward one with Carter but that was hardly a kiss. But this one was. I was seconds away to having an actual boys lips on mine. I was frozen. I didn't want to tell him to stop. When I don't say anything he gently places his lips on top of mine.

Before I knew it I was kissing him back. I liked the way it felt to kiss someone. It was nice the way our lips synced together and our heart beats in the same rhythm.

I regretted nothing. I was glad this happened especially with Cameron.


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