Chapter 8

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I was smiling like crazy when i got to the pool. It was perfect

"Why are you so happy" askes Matt

Oh yeah me and Matt have gotten really close as in friends close. We sorta tell eachother everything.

"Nothing, Me and Cameron just had a talk"

"Are you sure it wasnt more then a talk. Beacuse you havent stopped smiling since you got here" he says looking at me in suspision.

"Yup,it was just a talk"

I couldnt tell him the truth beacuse me and Cameron promised not to say anything about it.

I didnt wanna really go into the pool so i just diped my feet in.

A couple minutes later Cameron comes. Damnnnnn is all i can say. He had verrryyyy toned abs and a v line better then all the guys.

I couldnt help but stare. He came and sat down next to me he also dipped his feel in.

"You know when you stare like that people are gonna get suspisious." he says moving his feet around


"Well in that case..." He says pulling me into the water.

Coming up from under the water while laughing i said "What was that for?"

"I dont know" he says with a smirk

I got out of the water and grabbed a towel wrapping it around myself.

"You messed my hair up. I was haveing a good hair day" i say in a whiney voice

"Oops my bad"

"Now im gonna have to go shower"

Your such a downer. You didnt even play" he says with a sad face

"Yeah come on play" the other guys say to me

"Fine" i said running than jumping into the pool!!!

We played water basketball, and volleyball and just messed around for about an hour and then we went back to our rooms.

Nash started making vines about how we went swimming.

"Stop i dont wanna be in it" i say as he tries to record me.

There were two bathrooms and we were taking turnes showering.

I went to the closest one to me and started knocking. "Get out Cameron you've been in there forever.!!"

He opened the door looked around once he saw none of the guys were around he pulled me inside.

"I know we promised we wont be doing this, but i cant stay away from you, its just too hard." He says

He once again kissed me. My back now against the wall. I could feel his bare skin on mine. It was wonderful. We got Inturupted by knocking on the door.

"Cameron get the fuck out of there" we hear Nash say

"Ok give me a couple minutes." Says Cameron

We decided to just shower together to make it faster. But we kept our swim suits on.

After we finished Cam opened the door and made sure no one was around and said "all clear" we both got out before someone sees. But we werent to careful

And some one did see us...

Sorry this chapter is boring and not that long

I'll make the next chapter better

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