Chapter 10

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Me and Kian have known eachother for a really long time. Since we were 16. He was my first kiss. We never dated or anything, but we've had a crush on eachother for a really long time. And i havent seen him for a long time!! He was the only friend ive ever had but we never really got to see eachother.

He put me down. And said hi to the others.

We all sat down and talked to one another. I was sitting on Kians lap my arms around his neck. We were having a great time.

"I'll be right back" i said to Kian

I walked to the bathroom about to close it when a hand stopped it. He got in and locked the door.

"What do you want Cameron" i ask

"Why are you being a slut ?" he says angerly

"How am i being a slut"

"First Carter, then me, then back to Carter, and now Kian."

"Me and Kian are just friends, we've know eachother for a long time. and that does not make me a slut ok. Now can you please just go"

"Whatever" he says and walked out

My phone buzzed

M: Are you ok? What just happened?

Me: Well according to Cam im a slut

M: What??? How?

Me: He thinks im flirting with Kian

M: Dont worry about it. Your not. But Kian seems to like you..?

Me: Yeah i know.

I didnt use the bathroom i just had the talk with Cam and texted Matt. I got out of the bathroom. And went back to Kian and the others.

"Hey guys im gonna go up to the roof"

"I'll come with you" Kian offers

We walk out together. His arm around my waist. When we got to the roof it was raining.

"Want a kiss in the rain" Kian asks me putting both his arms around my waist and pulling me close.

"Kian i cant."

"Why not"

"Im with Carter now, well we arent together, but you know what i mean. Lets go back theres lighting"

The best thing about me and Kian is nothing ever gets akward between us.

"Race you back" he says getting a head start

"What thats not fair" i yell running after him

We were both very wet. He beat me to the door.

"I win" he says with a grin

"That wasnt fair" i say softly punching him

"Did you bring the key card?"

"No...I didnt bring my phone either"

The reason he asked that was beacuse there was music. And it was very loud. We both started laughing and pounding on the door. While yelling a name. After about a minute the music stoped and we heard footsteps coming to the door.

"Ello" Says Matt

"Are you alright..?" i ask him


The room was wayyy more trashed the before. There were a couple of girls in our room now. and everyone wa sitting in a large circle.

"Soo what are you guys doing.? i ask Matt

"We invited some girls over and now we're playing turth or dare. Come on" he says pulling my arm

The three of us sit down. And matt tells us the girls names. I said hi to them and they seem to not even know what they're doing. Then i noticed a large bottle of alcohol. Ohh they are drunk. Its amazing how much you can miss in just  minutes.

"The girls brought over the drink." Matt tells me

This girl named Chelsea about my age, short red hair asked Cameron "Truth or dare"

"Dare" he says taking a quick glance at me

"I dare you to..uhh make out with her" pointing at me "For about 5 minutes on the bed" 

We both look at eachother shocked. I look over at Carter and he just nods saying "go ahead its a dare"

I knew he wasnt ok with it. But Cameron comes over to me. And i guess we had to do it.

We walk to the bed. And he slams his body aganist mine putting his warm smooth lips on mine. Im on my back now he was on top of me. On hand going up and down my thighs, and my arms around his neck pulling him closer.

I didnt realize how much i needed him..But being with him meant hurting Carter...


THIS IS IMPORTANT: i changed a part in the book where Carter was Maddies first kiss, cause it was weird for an 18yr old to not kiss anyone. So now her first kiss was Kian when they were 16.

She has no friends from school. and she was always lonley but. she had friends from vine and stuff that she didnt really see alot

This chapter might have mistakes i usually go back and fix them before publishing but i dont have time so ill fix it later

Anyways thanks for reading

And keep Voting and commenting (:

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