Chapter 24

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"Will you Maddie Johnson do me the honor of being my girlfriend" he asks opening the little box.. Inside was an expensive looking necklace with a cute ying yang charm.

I back up once then one more time. "Cameron.." I run a hand through my hair quickly "I don't know..It-it just I." I sigh "I just d-don't know."
He closes the box and stands up. Cameron then turns around so he's not facing me. "Ok" He starts to walk away.

At that moment I knew I should run after him. Tell him I'm sorry and accept the gift. And say yes. But I did the complete opposite. I stood there like an idiot who couldn't make up her mind about what she wanted. I know I'm a horrible person. I don't know what's stopping me. My feet felt as if they were glued to the sand. I see the last glimpse of his back before the dark swallowed him into the night.

I probably shouldn't go home now. It just doesn't seem right. Maybe I can stay with someone else. I take my phone out. "Hello?" The other line says

I start to cry "Kian can I please stay at your place tonight?" I didn't know who else to call. Kian was always there for me before he moved to California. Now we both live in LA and maybe I can have my best friend back.

I see a car coming my way. Standing in the parking lot alone at night it was like the start of a horror movie. "Hey Maddie? What happened?" Kian asks wrapping me in a hug. I shake my head. I didn't want to talk about it.

I know I shouldn't be the one crying about this but I am. Saying yes seemed right at the time but I was also not sure. Maybe it was because once people start dating they lose their friendships and the thought of losing Cameron kinda kills me slowly.

Not knowing if he hated me felt like a million stabs to the back and the wound never seems to heal. It killed me. I've been lying awake for the last three days thinking. Every morning my eyes were be bloodshot. I try to sleep but I keep seeing his face. How when I said I don't know his face fell from the happiest guy to someone who never wanted to speak to me.

I've been staying at Kians for a while now and it wasn't doing me any good. I lock my self up in his guest room, occasionally ordering pizza. I've tried calling Cameron a few times but it goes straight to voice mail. At this point I know I made the worst decision of my life.

He didn't fight for me or ask me why I didn't say yes. Because he was tired. Tired of me. Never knowing what I want. I'm like a child who can't decide between two things.

On my fourth night I decide to finally go back to the apartment. It was still also my apartment so he can't avoid me forever right?

I walk through the halls until I get to room 13. I jiggle the keys until the door unlocks. I walk in and notice Nash sitting alone on the counter eating a bowl of cereal with his phone in the other hand. "Hey?" I ask

He looks up at me and continues eating while scrolling through his phone. "You really hurt him you know.." He replies after swallowing.

I look down at me feet. "You don't underst-" He cuts me off. "You know what" He gets up and throws the bowl into the sink. I jump startled by how loud it was. "Maybe I don't understand. But what I do is that Cameron is a good guy. And you know what there aren't many guys out there like him. You just lost one of the best guys I know. While you're busy trying to make up your mind how ever long that takes. He's probably going to move on. First you hurt carter and now him. Who's next on you hurt list?"

He walks back his room slamming the door behind him. I could feel a few tears slipping now. I walk over to Cameron's room and open the door. I didn't know want to expect. I look around he wasn't here. Someone of his clothes were gone from the closet

I really did make a big mistake. And now he left. I run over to his bed and curl up in his sheets. It still smelled like him.

I cried and cried, sobbing. I'm a horrible person..


I don't know how long I stayed in his bed crying.

The door opens and Cameron walks in. I look up and smile sadly. I can taste the salt from my tears. My makeup was streaming down and smeared on my face. I looked aweful. "Cameron?"

He looks over at at me his eyes wide. This his stare turns cold. "I came back for my some of my stuff."

I raise my eyebrows. "Are you moving out?" He grabs a couple more shirts and pants and stuffs them into a bag. He then grabs the shirt I gave him. He throws it on the bed. "You can have this back."

I wanted to explode. "And no I'm not. I just need a few days away from here." by here I knew he meant me. He wanted to get away from me. "Where?" I ask quietly.

He ignores me and walks out. "Goodbye Maddie" he says closes the door.

I know you guys probably hate me because I haven't updated in like a month.😭😭 I've been really busy and didn't have time to update.

I tried to make this long so enjoy this plot twist. Even if it wast that big of a twist.

Also comment what you think of this chapter or what went down between Maddie and Cam or Maddie and Nash.

And don't forget to vote because it lets me know you guys are enjoying this.

How about you guys vote if you think Nash Is Right or if you think Maddie made the worst mistake!


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