Chapter 9

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"Hey Carter, Uhh this bathrooms not open. Go try the other one again" Says Matt steering Carter the other way before he sees us.

Matt turns around while walking away with a look on his face saying " you owe me one for saving your ass"

"Well that was close.." Cameron says

"Umm yeah. Cameron..Im actually not sure about this thing between us. I think maybe we should stop. I dont want to hurt Carter."


i cut him off before he says more. "No. I cant do this. I pick Carter."

"You have feelings for me though"

"Yeah a little, but what i feel for Carter is stronger, more real."

"Ok" he says. Without looking at me he walks away.

Camerons Pov

Why did i think she would ever choose me over Carter.? I feel so stupid.

After our little fight. She went over to Carter and she was by his side, his arms around her waist, and hers around his. They were laughing and talking with the other guys.

How could she act like nothing happened? I was staring at her when she glanced over at me. Our eyes met and she truned away.

I Guess this is her final choice. Im gonna stay out of her way.


Maddies Pov

"Tomorrow is our Digi show/M&G. And we'll be leaving the hotel at 9 so you guys all better not be late. Ok?. Chad informs us.

Everyone nods. I was so nervous.

A couple hours after we went swimming it started to rain so we had to stay in. And we arent allowed to go out.

The guys were on thier phones or computers. I was on my phone when i got a text.

M: have you made your fucking mind yet...?

Me: About what????

M:Carter or Cameron

Me:Yeah i've chosen Carter (:.

M:Cam keeps glancing at you.

Me:Yeah i noticed. Hey im bored wanna make a youtube vid or something?


I got up and went over to Matt. He was laying down on his back on his phone . I layed my head down on his lap. He sat up now playing with my hair he asked

"Whats it gonna be about.?"

"I dont know. Wait i did an askmaddie on twitter, but i never made a video about it so wanna just do that?"

"Ok. Want me to get my camera or wanna use yours.?

"We can use mine."

Carter was now listening "Can i join"


I grabbed my camera and we set up. We sat on the floor. Me in the middle. Matt on my left and Carter on my right.

Nash and Hayes were on the other bed. Cam was sitting on the couch on his phone behind the camera.

"Hey guys im Maddie and joining me here are Carter and Matt". They both started making weird faces "Im here tooo" yells Nash

Laughing i say "Were in a hotel room in California and we're very bored so were gonna do an askmaddie thing, but these two will also be answering the questions sooo enjoy."

We did a couple questions.

"Are you single"? was one of the questions.

When i said that Cameron looked up from his phone waiting for me to answer.

"Sadly i am" answers Matt right away making a sad face

Carter looks over at me.

I leaned in and kissed him... "I dont know are we" I say smiling

Cameron saw everything. He looked hurt, but went back to his phone,

Matt looks at Cam then at me in a "Ohh shit face"

"Ok so thats all the questions for today. I'll try to post next week if i can. But if you liked this video please.

"GIVE IT A BIG THUMBS UP" we all said together

Once i cut the video Carter looked over at me and asked "So..are we official?

"You havent asked me out yet or took me on a date." i say sitting on his lap

"Im gonna go edit the video on your laptop" says matt getting my camera

"Ok, Post it when your done"

"Ok" he says walking away

"Im going to go shower" I tell Carter getting off of him.

I walk to my suit case and take out high waisted jean shorts, a red sweatshirt, and red laced bra, and thong. I take it to the bathroom cause i change in there since there are no doors to the rooms.

Our room has 3 beds and a large flat screen tv. and a couch by the window. and 2 bathrooms. Its very trashed and messy. There are pillows every where and we dont make our beds. I share a bed with Matt, which was closest to the window. Carter gets the bed next to us. And Nash and Cameron get the other one. Hayes and Chad Have another room.

Anyways i took a long shower. After about An hour long shower i got out and got dressed. When i came out there were other guys in our room.

The guys of O2L were here!!!!! And Kian Lawley was there. I've met him and the other O2L guys before. We've made youtube videos and hung out alot.

"Maddiieeeee" says Sam putting both his arms out

"Sammmy" I yell runing up to him and giving him a huge hug

I said hi to all the other guys and when it was time for Kian. He grabbed me of the floor and swang me. My legs around his waist giving eachother a tight hug.

Both Cam and Carter had a jealous look.

Lets just say me and Kian have history together....a lot of history...

Hello! sorry havent updated in a while. Im just waiting for people to find my story.

I hope you guys like it so far. I made it extra long (:

OHH yeah so i brought O2L into the story (:

How do you guys feel about Maddie and Kian having "A thing" oooo

Thanks for over 100 reads <3333 It would mean alot if you guys premote my story??

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