Chapter 3

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"So this is your first show?" Carter asks once we got to the top of the roof. I don't answer right away because I was so amazed again by the wonderful view of the city. I take a deep breath in. The air wasn't cold but a little windy. I breath out.

I nod "Yeah. I'm super excited. What's it like?"

Carter grins. From the expression on his face it must be pretty amazing. "It's probably one of the most amazing things you'll experience. The adrenaline that runs through your body the moment you get on stage. Every single person in front of the stage screaming at your presence. It feels amazing to finally meet the people that have supported you through so much." I look at his face amazed by how well he described the feeling. I can tell he was passionate about what he does.

"That really sounds amazing. I'm happy I get to experience this." I look back at the city putting my arm on top of the railing. "I've never been out of Chicago, and now being here it makes me feel like I missed out on so much of the world."

Carter chuckles. "I heard you rarely ever left your house." I blush wow did that really get out there. "We'll at least now you're out and you'll be going to many different cities around the country." I nod my head in agreement. "We're thinking of going international maybe in five months. You should come."

I was starting to feel a little nervous. I've never spoken to a guy for this long. I've been homeschooled for all of middle and high school so I never experienced the whole how to talk to a boy thing. I take a deep breath, I didn't want to pass out. "Yeah maybe I will. I've never seen anything more beautiful then this place." I was still amazed by the sight in front of me.

"Beautiful girl in a beautiful city."

My eyes grow wide. Did he just call me beautiful? I've never been called beautiful by a guy in person. All of this is so new to me. I can feel myself turn a deep red. I back away from the railings. "W-we should get back." I look from the corner of my eye and see that Carter was staring at me. I couldn't stop blushing so I turn around and start walking back to the door that lead inside. I hear footsteps following behind me. I was flattered that he called me beautiful but I just wasn't used to it and I didn't know if I was supposed to say anything back. The only thing I could thing if was to leave before it got more awkward.

"Um I don't know where I'm going so can you lead the way?" I ask awkwardly. Carter smiles, giving me a nod. He goes in front of me and starts turning the corner. After a minute we stood in front of the room door. I take out the key card Chad gave me and slid it into the door. All the guys we're still in the room. Nash and Matt were making a YouTube video while Hayes watched. Cameron was no where to be seen.

I close the door behind me. Carter runs over to where Nash and Matt sat and went behind them, poking his head up so he was in the video. I laugh. These guys were silly. Chad moments later enters the room. "Ok guys lets go out to dinner today." None of the guys payed attention.

"Mind if I take a quick shower first?" I ask. Since the guys were to busy I can take this opportunity to freshen up a bit.

"Yeah, sure go ahead. I come back in an hour or so." Chad leaves the room.

I go to my bag that was sitting in the corner of the room and take out a towel I brought because I don't like using hotel towels. And I take out a navy blue sweater and Jean shorts. I also grab underwear and a bra, and lastly my makeup bag. I head to the bathroom. The door was shut so I assumed someone was in there. I knock a few times. Maybe it was Cameron? But since no one answered I open the door. No one was in there. Phew thank god I didn't walk in on Cameron getting dressed or something. Because that would be way beyond awkward.

My shower lasts for half an hour. I usually take longer showers but Chad said he was going to be back in an hour. I walk out of the shower and dry my body. I moisturizer my face then apply foundation, mascara and eyeliner. I get dressed. I look at my hair. What should I do with it. It's late out so I don't want to curl or straighten it. There was a blowdryer attached to the wall. There was my answer. I use the blowdryer to dry my hair. After I was finished I didn't like the way it looked so I put it up into a messy bun.

I open the door and attempt to walk out when I fall into something hard. It wasn't a wall because it was obviously clothed. I slowly tilt my head up and stare at a face that states right back at me. "I-I s-sorry" I stutter. He was absolutely beautiful. He held me up and I quickly move away. I was way to close to him and I felt a million butterflies in my stomach. Go away said to them in my head.

"No, I'm the one who should apologize. I should've been looking at where I was going instead of my phone." He smiles, flashing neat rows of white teeth. I pick up the clothes that fell to the ground. Cameron squats down and helps me. He hands me the shirt I wore earlier. "Here" he smiles again.

I should probably look away but I couldn't. He was absolutely the most perfect guy I've seen. But I can't like him. I don't know what it's like to be in a relationship and I don't want to find out...

We both stand up. "Uh thanks." I say with a blush. Damn it why do I keep blushing? He smiles before walking away to the other guys. I stand there and stare at his back without meaning to.

When I realize what I was doing I snap out of it and return back to where my bag was and stuff my clothes in it.

This was an interesting first day....


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