Chapter 27

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"WE GOT THE MOVIE" Cameron barges into my room out of breath. I look at him confused. "Expelled. The movie we auditioned for." I get up from my desk with a shriek. I couldn't believe this! I wrap my arms around Cameron giving him a hug and a big kiss. Cameron had auditioned for the lead role as Felix while I auditioned for Vanessa.

I quickly go on twitter still shocked that I made it into a movie and tweet 'I have very exciting news for you guys but I still can't tell you yet!'

We'll start filming in a week. I'm so happy and excited especially since I get to do this with Cameron. I don't think anything can ruin my mood. Cameron looks at me with his dreamy brown eyes. I look back at him. "Lets go to the beach"

We walk to the beach and find a nice quiet place. The sun was just about to set and the sky had the beautiful yellow color. I start to laugh "How did you get a bottle of champagne?" I ask.

Cameron smirks "I have my ways" He pours it into two glasses and hands one to me. "We made it Maddie. We were both at the same place with no friends, getting bullied but now look where we are." I smile at the thought of how alike we are and how we went through so much to finally be where we are now. "Cheers" we both say.

"Maddie?" Cam asks turning to me. I look back at him "Yeah"

"This seems like the perfect time to finally tell you that I love you." I can feel myself turning ten shade of red. It was the perfect time. We've know each other for almost over a year. I'm glad he's my best friend, my boyfriend. And now the love of my life.
"I love you to" I lean in and kiss him.

The movie turned out perfect. Filming it was amazing. I love how I'm getting so much experience with this movie. The cast, the directors and everyone else was so polite and funny.

There was a part in the movie where Cameron had to kiss Lia. But I was to in love with him to care. I mean it was just a movie right. When the movie was finally released all the fans went crazy.

It was amazing to be stopped on the street by someone and get asked 'Are you the girl from expelled' I love being considered an actress and not only as a YouTuber. After the movie I got invited to do amazing things.

So this is 'the story of us' How I met Cameron how everything in life started out like crap but became better.

Never give up on your dreams and if someone has ever told you to give up on a dream, make that your motivation. Prove them wrong. Because each and every one of you are born to do something great. You might not believe this now but you will one day.


This is a short chapter but THE BOOK IS FINALLY DONE! I hope you guys take the advice at the end f the story. I hope this story helps you guys realize that you can chase your dreams. It will happen if you work for it it might take time but it will happen.

I love each and everyone of you guys who have voted and commented even if read this book. I want to thank everyone.

I hope you guys read the rest of my stories and sadly there won't be a sequel.

But I will be taking requests on writing another fanfic about one celeb/Youtuber or whoever you guys want. So comment below someone and I might pick them.

Alright it has come to the point where I have to say good bye. So goodbye and I hope you guys have a good day/night.

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