Chapter 21

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Ever since Cameron asked me to move in he's been very distant for a couple weeks now and when he finally asked me "How about I take you on a real date?" I was super excited and felt like we are going to go back to how we were.

We were seated in the kitchen of his apartment. Let me rephrase that, our apartment. I still couldn't believe he had asked me to move in with him. Even if he was a little distant lately. I was still very touched. Just the other day we had bought a couple of things for my room.

I blush "Yes." He leans in his chair giving me a peck on the cheek.

"Be ready at 6 ." he grins. He leaves the kitchen leaving me alone. I was nervous and excited about this. My first time going on a real date. I don't know what to wear. Fashion emergency. I quickly grab my phone dialing Bethany Mota.

I met her and couple of other Youtubers at the Seattle m&g. She had told me if I ever wanted to hang out or have a fashion emergency to call. "Hi Maddie" She greets picking up after the third ring.

"Bethany?" I say quickly.

"Yes Maddie are you ok?" She asks. I could hear the concern in her voice.

"No. I have a fashion emergency!" I yell Into the phone.

"Be there in a few" she hangs up.


The door bell rings. I rush to the door opening it. "Bethany" I smile. She had a friend with her. I remember meeting her also. Her name I think is Arden Rose.

I give both of them a hug. "What kind of occasion fashion emergency is it?" Bethany asks after pulling away.

"Cameron is taking me on a real date" I say happily

"Omg" they both shriek.

"But I don't know what to wear because he didn't specify where exactly we are going"

"I can help with that" Bethany grins


By six I was totally transformed from the girl wearing sweat pants, a shirt that was too big on her, glasses and a messy bun into a girl who looked decent.

They had curled my hair. I was wearing skinny jeans, a crop top, and a flannel tied around my waist, and black flats. "The perfect outfit for any occasion" Arden had said.

Let's just hope he isn't taking me to some fancy restaurant, where everyone is dressed up. Because then this wouldn't be the best outfit.

I really couldn't wait. Cameron walks out of his room. "Ready" he asks reaching for my hands. "Yeah" I say giving him a nervous laugh


Yay he's taking her on a date! Where do you guys think he's taking her?

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