Chapter 20

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We're spending two days in Seattle, doing m&g. It was super fun meeting all my fans. I loved them so much. I don't know what I would do with out them.

"So are you and Cameron a thing" Matt asks me. We finally reunited.

I blush "I don't know. It seems like we are."

"Seems like you guys are what?" Nash grins

"Get out of here" Matt says throwing a pillow at Nash who catches it. He chucks it at me.

"What was that for" I ask. He laughs and tackles me into the bed. Matt being weird he jumps on top of Nash. "You guys are so fricking heavy" I whine trying to push them off.

They laugh. "That looks fun!" Carter yells when he entered the room. "Carter I'll fucking kill you if you jump on" I yell. He of course doesn't listen and jumps on top of Matt. They are so heavy. "Get off I'm running out of breath" I yell at them

Cameron walks in and gives us a what the fuck look "Cam don't you dare" I choke out.

They finally get off of me. I cough. "Oh my gosh...You guys... never do that agian." I tell them breathing in between. They all laugh at me. "Stop"

Laughing Cam pulls me into a hug. "No" I pout crossing my arms.

"You're adorable when you're mad" Cam says lifting my chin

I give him a wide smile. "Thank you"

I turn to Carter "Remember when I said I'd kill you? Yeah I wasn't joking" I say and tackle him. I grab one of the pillows from the bed and hit him with it.

"Laughing he tells me to stop "No" I yell everyone starts laughing.

Nash tosses Carter a pillow. I look at Nash like he was next on my tackle list. How could you betray me" I say while laughing

Carter starts attacking me with the pillow. "pillow fight" Matt yells grabbing a pillow. Nash who was on his phone looks up and smiles walking to the bed carefully, trying not to get hit. He picks up a pillow joining the fight. Cameron does the same.

The hotel had those types of pillows that had feathers In them. By the time we were all tired the room was filled with the feathers. Nash grabs feathers off the floor throwing them up in the air.

"Pretty" I say.

We all start gathering the feathers form the floor and put them in a pile. Once we got what looks like half of the feathers. Nash grabs them in his arms and and throws then up. It was pretty.

Cameron grabs me by the waist and pulls me into a passionate kiss. It was really romantic, since the feathers were still falling. He smiles in the kiss, which makes me smile.


I tried making this chapter cute with all the guys. And like I promised something romantic happened with Maddie and Cam. I hope you guys like it.

I'm sooo sorry that my chapters have been really short lately. But I promise since the book is almost done I'll try making the chapters longer.

Do you guys have any ideas for the next chapter? I'm having a really bad writers block! Comment or private message me what you guys think I should do for the next chapter.

If you guys hadn't know I've finished my other book 'Identity thief' it had a sucky ending but yeah.

And I'm so exited for you guys to read my new book that I'm writting. It's an all romance book! I think it's super cute. Title will be released towards the end of this book. I really hope you guys read it!

Sorry for rambling.Hope you guys have a good day. Please vote and comment. I truly love you guys (:


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