Chapter 22: The date

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You guys are probably saying wtf right now... Read the side note at the end and it will make sense.

"I have a question" I say hesitantly, as we got inside the car.
Cameron looks at me and smiles. "Yes?"

I look at him once more before asking "Why are you wearing a trench coat?"
"You'll see." He grabs my hand and starts to drive. I've been so nervous about our date that I think my hands are sweating, but Cameron didn't seem to notice.

We pull up to a very fancy restaurant that I've only been in once. A lot of men dress in suits, while women dress in fancy dresses. I look down at my outfit. This was what I was afraid of. A crop top and flannel, probably the farthest thing from fancy.

Cameron pulls open his door and gets out, and removes the coat. He was dressed in a suit. Once again I look at my outfit.

Oh shit...

He then walks over to my door and opens it. Cam grabs my hand and kisses it, like they did in the old days. "Cameron, I'm really not dressed for this" I say quietly barely enough for him to hear. He smiles at me and says it's ok.

When we walk in all eyes were on me. I was the only one not dressed up. Cameron had made reservations a couple of days ago. How sweet is that. He was thinking of taking me here even before I asked him to take me on a real date.

"May I take your order mam?" A tall skinny waitress guy asks me. I give him my order so does Cam.
We didn't really have anything to talk about while we were eating. Most of our conversation went like this.
"So how was your day?"
"It was good. How was yours?"
"This is really good"
"Yeah I agree"
"How are you liking the tours and meeting fans?"
"It's been amazing. "
"That's cool"
As you can tell it was really boring. I push around most of the food not really wanting to eat. I can't fake being happy when I'm not. I put the napkin that was supposed to go on our lap "that was supposed to be fancy" on the table and say "Cameron?" Cameron has been acting very weird lately. Like he's hiding something from me.

Cameron looks up at me "Yeah?"
I take a deep breath.Im not really happy about what I'm going to say, but I have to. "You know i'd rather have a fun adventure where we get messy and stuff then a boring fancy restaurant where all we do is make small talk..This isn't like you. What happened to the fun cameron that was acting stupid with me In Texas?"

His eyes widen. "I thought you'd love this. This is like every girls dream. To go out to a fancy restaurant" A couple people start looking our way.

" That's the thing Cameron. I'm not like other girls.. I thought you'd know that by now. I guess you don't know me as well as I thought you did." I say. Getting up from my seat. "Tell me when the Cameron I fell In love with comes back"

Then right after I walked out I realized that I admitted I was in love with him. This is not good cause neither of us have said it yet. And me Maddie in love, about a year ago I would've never thought I'd be in "love"

Ok so you guys are probably wonder why I updated... That is because the original ending sucked! And I hated it. So I thought why not add more to the story and make a different ending. so now the story is going to say not completed.
This story is probably the best thing I have written and so I shall continue it!

But Omg how are you guys liking this chapter better the the original date???

Vote if you guy like this better and want me to continue and comment if you think I should keep the original and just not add anymore..

Or you can vote if you like this story .😜

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