Chapter 5

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My mind was racing from one thought to another. What have I just done? I promised myself that I would only focus on the tour and meeting my supporters. I didn't plan on any of this to happen. But I couldn't bring myself to stop. I parted away from him. I didn't want to stop but we were both out of breath. "Why did you do that?" I ask out of curiosity. We've only know each other for a short period of time so no way in hell can he like me already.

Cameron smirks. "I wanted to test out if you were a good kisser and damn you did good." He was trying to play it off but I know he had another reason. He had to.

I didn't know what to say to that. I've never kissed anyone so I had nothing to compare it to. "T-t hat was my f-first kiss." I blurt out. The moment I did I felt like an idiot. Who confesses this sort of thing to something they met a couple days ago? Now I wanted to jump off this building more then ever.

Cameron looks at me and smiles. He wasn't being an asshole about it like most guys would. "Then I'm glad for having the pleasure of taking your lip virginity."

I burst out laughing. "Please d-don't say t-that ever again." I manage to say between laughs. He looks at me with an amused expression. I finally regained control of my laughter. I felt exhausted and tomorrow was our first show. "We should head back." I say yawning right after.

Cameron crumbles up the bag, standing up. I put my phone into my pocket and fold up the blanket. I walk in front of Cameron, open the door and walk down the stairs into the hotel hallway.

Once we reach our room Cameron puts a hand over mine when I was about to swipe the card. I look down at our hands. What is he doing? I wonder. My eyes dart up to his. He grins before leaning in and giving me a small peck on the lips. I was absolutely surprised. "I don't know why, but I felt like doing that."

I stand there still frozen from the surprise kiss. He takes the card from my hand when he notices I wasn't going to open the door. He then slides the car, opening the door. He walks into the room and holds the door open for me. I should probably stop acting like he hasn't kissed me before. I can't fall for him because I've never fallen for anyone and I can tell he was trying to make me.

I don't say a word. I walk into the room. Cameron closes the door behind me. I wish I had a private room then can go to, to think about what just happens the last half hour. I can't believe I kissed him back.

Hayes and Matt were sprawled out on one of the bed. I chuckle to myself because Matt's left side was pretty much on top of Hayes. There was only one empty bed left. I look at Cameron then to the bed and then back at Cameron. "There's one bed left." I whisper, stating the obvious.

Cameron looks back at me. "In the other room Chad has his own bed and Nash and Carter are sharing the other one. I mean I can sleep on the couch if you want." I don't know how I felt about sleeping in the same bed as him after what just happened but I don't want him to sleep on an uncomfortable couch.

I shake my head. "No it's ok. We can share. I'm going to get ready." I grab a few thing from my bag and head over to the bathroom. I remove my makeup and wash my face with a deep cleanser. After drying it I put moisturizer on. I change into a plain tee and shorts. I leave my stuff in the bathroom and went back to the bed.

Cameron was already under the covers on the right so I climb into the left.

He kept shifting around on the bed throughout the night but it didn't bother me.


Sorry for the short/ boring chapter but make sure to comment and vote

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