Chapter 13

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The next morning I woke up in the same position I was when I feel asleep. Cameron was still sleeping, he was so cute!

I slid his arms off of me and got up walking to the bathroom to take a long shower, before the guys get up.

About 40 minutes later I got out and went to the counter to put makeup on when I heard the door open and a hand grabbed me turning me around.

He pressed his lips against mine softly. "I wanna be with you" he whispered in my ear giving me goosebumps. He also looked like he took a shower. His hair was wet and he only had a towel wrapped around his was it as I did around my body.

"Cameron so do I" I say kissing him

"When we arrive in Texas, I'll make sure we get to spend a whole day together. I want it to be special"

In reply I kissed him. "Ok I'm gonna get ready since we leaving in half an hour."

"Ok" he says with a big smile, and looking back at me before leaving.

I put the rest of my makeup on. I couldn't stop smiling. I walked out of the bathroom and went to my suit case picking out an outfit.

I picked out white high waisted shorts with a black crop top, black bandeau and black thong. My hair was wavy so I left it like that since it didn't look bad. It looked like I braided it and left it like that all night.

I went back to the bathroom to change. When I came out. Everyone was packed and ready to leave. I seriously feel so bad for the maid. The room was so messy.

We drove to the airport in a limo. After giving our tickets to the lady we boarded the plane right away since we were late. I got to sit in the middle of Matt and Cameron so i knew this was gonna be really fun.

The plane ride was about 5 hours long (A/n note that i actually dont know how long it is so its just a guess) Luckly thre was wifi on the plane so i went on twitter and tweeted how we are going to be in Texas for two days, and everyone should come to the M&G.

The plane ride was fun! Me and Matt talked a lot and we watched movies. Cam and me also watched movies an we shared a headphone. Wow it was like those cheesy romantic movies.


Our plane landed and there was a couple of fans waiting for us at the airport.

"How did they knoe which airport we were in" i asked confused."

"Well i might have tweeted it..." answers Nash

We got escorted by security to our limo waiting for us.The drive wasnt longer then 15 minutes. Once we got into our hotel room i headed the bathroom to take a shower.

Cameron grabs my waist and says "Dress cute" with a wink and leaves me.

After my shower i picked out my outfit laced legins with black shorts, a crop top and black covered heels, my undies and bra were black. I put my hair in a bun did my makeup.

"Im ready" i say walking up to him

Cheaking me out he says "By dress nice i meant in a dress or something" also a smirk on his face

"This is nice" i say grabing his arms and walking to the door.

"We'll be back guys" He says closing the door.

"Do you even know where your gonna take me" i ask

"Well..actually no. But lets go get a disguise"

We get to the hotel souviner store. And he bought us each a sweatshirt and sunglasses

"Wait so this is what you call a disguise" I ask laughing

"Yess. This is the best" He says also laughing. We put the sweatshirts on and put the hood over our head and the sunglasses on.

"I'll show you what a good disguise is" i say grabbing his arm and leading out of the hotel.

After lie a hour we found a wig store. " come on" i say. I got a long brown wig with bangs while Cameron got a Pink wig that went past his elbows. " how do i look?" he asks flipping his "Hair"

"Fab. " We take our wigs off and pay. Then we put them back on taking off our hoods. but keeping ou sung glasses on. "Now lets go fuck shit up" I yell and eveyone in the store looks at me. We both laugh

We went to different stores acting like annoying est friends, Mother daughter, and all those. We got a lot of stares from people. We went up to Randome people asking for a high five and hugs..

We wentto Starbucks and acted so weird.

"Omg Tiffany that was my drink"

"Bitch, i was the one who ordered this" Cam replies fliping his "hair" and walking away

"Oh hell nah." I say and there was a person by me. "Hold ma phone, That bitch just stole my drink" i say handing my phone to the lady by me. I Jump on Cams back and thats when the manager came and we got kicked out.

"Oh my gosh i cant believe we just did that" He says laughing

"I know we also got banned from coming back" i say laughing

Ok well the manager believed we were both girls. And didnt call the cops but he did ban us.

W both just start cracking up. people keep glancing at us.

"Girl dont look at my starbucks" says Cam to this once girl looking at us. The Manager also gave both of us our drinks since we payed for them.

While laughing i say "Hey look theres a beach right there lets go." running

Thee were still a couple people there even though itwas 8.

We found a place at the beach where there was no one. We both sat down. There was a sunset.

"That was fun." He sayd looking at the sun.


Standing up Cam says "Come here." I stand up and we stand beside eachother. He grabs my hands and locks his with mine. Turning around toward me he puts his other arm around my waist. Now both arms around my waist he pulls me in closer.

And kisses me.


Our kiss was perfect. <3. I really liked him.

Holding hands we start walking back towards the road.

Once we go into the city lights and by a tall buidling i ask

"You have no clue where we are" while laughing

"No a clue" he says smiling down at me.

"Hey theres a Mcdonals lets go inside." i say turning around

We go inside and Cameron Texts Chad

"He said he'll come pick us up."

We proably looked weird when we got inside cause people looked at us in a funny way.

Then i realized they were looking at Cam because he had a pink wig on with glasses. We had matching swaetshirts, but his pants were guy pants and same wit hhs shoes.

"You look funny" i say

"Thanks" he replies back bending down to kiss me. Me on my tippy toes.

What a perfect night..<3


Yup i made it long (:

Hope you enjoyed. I'll probaly have some errors but i'll fix those later

 i changed the cover. Thanks to _Love_Magcon

Love you guys Dont forget to Vote/Comment/ share <333


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