Chpater 18

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I turn around screaming. I saw it was Cameron "Don't fucking scare me like that." I say really pissed

"Sorry." he laughs

Rolling my eyes I push his shoulder "lets go"

We walk to his car and get in. "Why are you wet" He frowns

I ignore him the whole ride back to his apartment.

When we get there I open the car door slamming it. We walk to his door and he unlocks it stepping back so I could go in first. I glance at him and walk in.

Everyone looks up at me with worried eyes they ask me why I'm wet, Why I don't reply and other questions

Ignoring them I walk to Cameron's room.I close the door and get out of my wet clothes. When I hear the door open. With out turning around I yell at him to get out. And he does. I change into Shorts and a plain white shirt. I put my wet hair up in a messy pony tail. I grab my phone from where I left it and charge it by Cams night stand. I turn the light off and I guess I feel asleep.

I woke up. And felt hands wrapped around my waist. I turn around and stare at him. He wasn't sleeping. "I'm sorry for not telling you." He whispers

His arms still around my waist I pull closer to him. and kiss his lips gently. "you forgive me" he asks

"Yeah" I whisper back. And he smiles closing his eyes.

I felt kinda better.


"Do you guys want to go out" Taylor asks

"Not really" I say

We were all gathered around the living room not knowing what to really do. I sat next to Cameron, his arms around me.

"We leave for Seattle tomorrow" Nash says taking a quick glance at me.

I felt Cameron shifting uncomfortably. i look up at him and he looked at me and smiled. I could see worry in his eyes.

After a while of silence Cam says "yeah"


4votes= Update

I wasn't sure if I should make Maddie and Cameron together, But now that I thought about it. In a couple chapters I'll have something romantic happen.

I smiled while writing the part where she forgives him (: it was cute!

I hope you guys enjoyed! And thank you for over 600 reads 😘

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