Chapter 26

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I just want to tell you guys sadly this book is coming to an end. I've been thinking about writing a fanfic about Casper Lee. What do you think? Also leave a comment if you have any requests about who the next fanfic should be about.

I wake up the next morning with a really bad headache. These past few weeks have really not been my day. I walk to the kitchen to get a glass of water and notice Cameron shirtless, sleeping on the couch. Just think about what could of happened on that couch makes me want to vomit.

Cameron wakes up. "Morning. Want some breakfast?" I ask. I don't know why I'm being nice. I know I have no reason.

He looks around confused and runs a hand through his hair. Why does that always turn me on. He picks up his phone to check the time. Getting up in nothing but his underwear he nods. "I thought we discussed that everyone had to be fully clothed before I moved in?" I comment trying to focus on making scrambled eggs.

He smirks "Come on remove some of your clothes. I know you want to." What a dick

I finish making the egg and dumb them into two plates. Cam sits down on the stool next to me and goes on his phone. "So are we ok now?" He asks not looking up.

I almost choke on the orange juice that I was currently drinking. Does he really think we are. "Not really. But I kinda don't want to fight, so let's just not mention it anymore"

He places his phone down next to the plate and faces me. "Why not" I wanted to throw a brick at him right now. He was the one yesterday that told me we don't need to talk about it anymore. "I never hated you. Casey, the girl from last night, she was just an old friend." Cameron continues.

I lose my appetite so I dump the rest of the food into the garbage. "That really none of my business anymore." I say like I don't care.

He walks over to me "I'm giving us one more shot. Maddie do you want to be with me or not? If you say no, I will leave you alone and we can just be friends but if you say yes then you'll be my girlfriend." He looks me dead in the eyes. his cherry red lips looked so inviting.

"Cameron, now I know what I want. I was to blinded by being hurt that I never thought about the good things. Cameron of course I wanna be with you. That's all I've wanted I was just to scared to admit it to myself." His serious face turns into a smile. He put his arms around my waist and presses his lips softly on mine.

*Cue stupid romantic song.*

I guide him to my room. He kisses me softly on the neck making his way up to my lips.
(They have sex but I'm not going to go into detail because of young readers)

I lay my head on his chest thinking about how perfect this was. I'm glad we're finally together. We hear the front door open and Nash yells 'I'm home' Cameron gets up and kisses me on the lips. He slips out my door into his room. I bite my lips still thinking about

I take a shower and get dressed into sweatpants and a tank. Cam, Nash and I decided later on that day to go to a skate park near the beach with Gilinsky, Johnson, and Sam Wilkinson. It was super fun watching Cameron skate.

It's amazing to see how talented people are. I don't think I would ever be good enough to do tricks on a board.

I realized I have completely sucked at writing these past few chapter. Lets say I hadn't had any inspiration or crazy ideas lately

Like always feel free to comment any ideas you have and it might just be in the next chapter *wink wink*

Don't forget to vote! It lets me know people actually read my story.

And comment whatever your little hearts desire.

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