Chapter 14

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Today was the Digifest show and it went great like the one in Cai.

***Later that day

"You guys get to go home today" Chad announces

Yes i was so excited to finally see my mom and brother. Its almost been a month.

Cameron walk up to me and says "Hey umm so i know this is last minute, but i was wondering if you want to come to California to mine and Nashs Apartment..Um i understand if you say no.."

I could tell he was nervous asking me this.."Yeah it is last minue, but i'd love to. Let me just call my mom" i say

I call my mom and she picks up on the third ring " Hey honey im so excited that you're going to be spending a week and a half with me and your your brother" she says excitedly

"Uh yeah about that. I wont be coming home sorry mom"

"What why" she asks

"Well Cameron invited me to go back to California with him."

"Honey are you guys planning on doing it or something.?"

"Mom no we are'nt. We're not even a thing yet."

"Ok well im very sad you wont be coming home, but make sure you guys use protection"

"Bye mom" i say with a laugh. I love my mom

"Ok she seems alright with it."

"Ok" he sys with a smile

We all start packing. Once we got packed we left for the airport. And we all went our separate ways. I was sad that i wont be seeing Matt for a while.


Our plane landed. And we walked outside where we were greeted by Taylor Caniff and Dillion Rupp. They drove us to Cams And Nashs apart. which was really big for an apartment. They had their own pool.

Once we got inside. Taylor and Dillion were staring at my ass. "Booty" says Taylor

"Hey guys we should go to Hunters party. Everyones saying its going to be wild and crazy. And alot of naked chicks." Says Dillion

We all agreed to go. Once we got there I noticed Dillion was right. It was a wild and crazy party. We all started walking towards the table filled with alcohol. Dillion hand me a red cup. I gulped it down and it burned going down.

A couple more drinks and i was drunk as fuck that i wasnt thinking clearly. "Lets play truth or dare" says taylor and a whole group of people started gathering around forming a circle.

"Ok i'll go first said Taylor. Truth or are?"he asks this girl.

"Dare" she says

 "I dare you to makeout with somone" And she chose someone to makeout with and that someone had to be Cameron. They left the circle into a room.

The game kept going and a lot of people were half naked. " Truth or dare" Dillion asks me.


"I dare you to spend th night with me after we leave" He says

"Ok" i say with a smile and just remember i wasnt thinking clearly.

Cameron comes out of the room shirtless. And starts putting his shirt on. And the girl walks out right after him fixing her dress.

The circle starts to break and people start to dance. I walk past Cameron pulling him into the room. Closing the door i start to kiss him wildly. And all this was from jealously. I then start trying to take his shirt off.

He pulls me away " No, Your way to drunk i'm taking you home" He says dragging me out of the house

"No i want to stay"

He ignores me

"Fine if you dont want to do it, I'll do it with Dillion"

"No you're not" He says and takes me to the car. He starts to call Nash

The other guys meet us at the car. And since Cameron was the only one who didnt drink. He drives us back to the apartment.

Once we got there. He takes me out of the car bridel style and takes me inside. He lays me down on his bed and kisses my forhead. " Now go to sleep" He says


Wow sorry i didnt update. Dont hate me. I was going to update yesterday, but it got deleted.

Anyways thanks for over 300 reads.

And if you havent checked out my other book you should its called "Identity Thief" Its kinda about bullying an not fitting in.

Plase dont forget to vote/comment/share

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