Chapter 12

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The Digi show was perfect. Same with the M&G. I met a lot of my fans. I seriously love life right now. We got to our hotel room at about 7pm. Everyone one was super tired.

"Ok so today is our last day in Cali,and were gonna go out for dinner. Our next tour place is Texas. We're leaving in the morning at 11. And this time you guys seriously cant be late." Chad says

We went out to eat at Pizza Ranch. It was so fun. We all talked and laughed. They guys and I were making vines. One of mine was. "Omg guys i just met Matt Espinosa, and Cameron Dallas. Im freaking out omg. I was sitting in between them and Cam said zayum when i was recording him. And Matt did the one face with a peace sign. We all laughed after.

Oh yeah me Cam and Carter are cool now. They both still like me, but we're all friends.

After we finished eating at about 8:30 a couple of fans stopped us for pictures and stuff. After we went to the beach that was close to our hotel. There werent a lot of people there. We went into the water with our clothes and we just had so much fun!. I cant wait to come back here.


We stayed at at beach for about 2 hours. We played in the water and made a bonfire. And now we are back at our hotel room. I was so tired i didnt even bother to take my wet dripping clothes of, i just went to the bed and layed down.

"Dude the cleaner lady is gonna be so pissed when she sees this room." Nash says

"Yeah" says Matt laughing.

"Im gonna order room service. you guys want anything?"

"No" the all said

"How are you still hungry..We just ate" Says Carter and they all laugh.

"Shut up. I was just gonna order a bowl of ice cream" I say throwing a pillow at him

"Ooo i want some ice cream!" Says Cameron jumping on the bed and laying down by me

"Bitch get of my bed" I say playfully pushing him off

I ordered a lot of ice cream and after about half an hour room service finally comes.The dude sets down the ice cream and looks around at our room.

"You guys are messy" He says before leaving. and we all just laugh

We sat in a circle around my bed and started eating the bowl of ice cream. I made sure they put it in a really large bowl. We have Chocolat, Vanilla, And Mint.

We talked about everything, like our past and stuff. I learned alot about them. When we finished we started to watch a movie on the tv. Which had intrenet and so we went on my Netflix and Watched  movies.

At about 3 i started to get really tired and i layed my head down on the side realizing that Cameron was laying down next to me.

" Sorry" i say

"Its ok" He says pulling me closer to him. My head on his chest, his arms around me. And that all i remebered because i started to dose off...

Sorry havent updated for a while

and sorry if this chapter was boring.

OHH and sorry if there are alot of misspelled words ill go back and fix them later


im having a writters if you guys have any ideas feel free to comment.

Thanks for reading and dont forget to Vote/comment/share

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