Chapter 17

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"I have to go" I say getting up. I could feel tears wanting to slip out

"Hey I didn't want to be the one to tell you." I could hear the pity in his voice

I feel my tears sliding down my cheeks. I walk to the front door, about to open it. When it opened. I see Cameron, Nash, and Taylor making there way inside.

I push past Cameron. He see me and frowns. "Hey what's wrong?" He asks

I keep walking. Why didn't he tell me. He knows how much all this meant to me.

I could feel him running after me. Once he caught up, he grabs my wrist turning me around. I try to pull away, but he then grabs both my wrists to his chest "Leave me alone" I yell at him

Letting go of my wrists and pulling me into a tight hug he whispers "I'm sorry"

My arm still on his chest I push him away and run off. But this time he didn't come after me. I kinda wanted him to...

Finally when I started trusting him,he lets me down...

I didn't know where I was going. I was still in sweatpants and a tank top but I didn't care. I took my hair out from a bun letting it fall down my back. It covered my face so people wouldn't recognize me.

I luckily had my phone in my pocket. I take it out looking at the screen. It was a little after 8. I found myself walking near a beach. I sit in between where the sand and water meet. Not caring that my pants will be dirty.

I let all my tears out. All the pain I had felt. Always isolating my self from people, never getting to close because in the end you find yourself getting hurt.

I see that's people are starting to leave the beach. My phones kept going off every second, probably from my social medias. And Cameron and the other guys kept calling, but I kept ignoring it.


I sat at the same spot for an hour and a half just staring out into the ocean. I felt someone walking up to me and sitting down.

"Beautiful huh?" he asks

Ignoring him I kept staring forward. I could feel him looking at me through the corner of his eyes.

"So what are you doing out this late?" he questions

"Nothing." I mutter


Before looking over at him I run a hand through my now messy hair and wipe away my tears. I didn't recognize him. He smiles "I'm Jake"


"I know" he smirks


We started walking down the beach both of just holding our shoes and dipping our feet into the cold water.

We talked. He was really funny. And he told me how he was a fan of my vines that's why he knew me.

We were discussing which flavor of ice cream was better when my phone rang three times in a row one after another.

"Are you going to answer that" he asks

"No" it rings a fourth time "ugh fine give me a sec. I say walking a couple feet away

I slid my phone to answer it "What do you want?" I ask sternly

"Where have you fucking been. I've called you a about a hundred times " Cameron asks angrily

"None of your business. And yeah I know. It's really annoying"

"I said I'm sorry"

"Ok. bye" I say hanging up. I walk back to Jake who was now knee high into the water. "come in" he says laughing

"No, it's going to be cold" I laugh

Without answering he comes out to where I was and pulls me towards the water. "Wait" I say

"What" he asks frowning

"My phone" I laugh and walk out of the water setting my phone down on my vans.

I run back into the water now getting soaked head to toe. I jump on Jakes back. It was really fun. Even though the water was kinda cold.

We come out of the water half an hour later. "That was fun" he says and I blush "yeah it was"

He puts his towel on me "When did you bring a towel" I ask raising an eye brow.

Laughing "I had it with me"

"Is it too soon to ask for your number?" he asks blushing

"No" I blush

He hands me his phone and I put in my number. "Don't leak it though" I laugh

"I won't. Will you be ok getting home?"

"Yeah. Thanks" I smile and he starts walking away

I call Cameron. And he picks up on the first ring "Can you come pick me up?" I ask

"where are you?"

"I don't know. It's the closest beach to your apartment"

"Ok, I'll be there in 5-7 minutes"


Yay another chapter done (:

I'm going to raise the votes to 4 😊

4 votes= update

Thank you to everyone who is voting and and commenting. I am almost at 600 reads thank you 😘

I'll probably update later today if this can get 600 reads. Love you guys ❤️

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