Chapter 23

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The restaurant was near a beach so I walked there. It was starting to clear out and in about five minutes there were a couple people left.

I really love living in California. The beaches, sunsets, the warm weather. It's all perfect.

"You're in love with me?" Yells a voice from the distant. I look around until I spot Cam. He had taken off the suit and was now wearing a flannel that was buttoned up all the way with shorts.

I ignore him and face the ocean. Im scared of falling in love. What is love anyways? It never ends well for most people. Over the years looking at my past, I'm not one of those people with the best luck.

I could feel him starting to side down next to me. "You're in love with me." He repeats. I look at him and look away quickly. I stand up about to walk away. I can't do this "falling in love thing"

Cameron stands up and grabs my arms. "Look at me." He instructs. I face him but still not looking him in the eyes.

He lifts my chin. "What are you so scared of? Falling in love with me?"he asks like he just read my mind. "It happens to everyone eventually and yours happens to be now, with me. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and I hate how you think differently. Maddie nothing from the past matters anymore, because you're with me. I won't let anything or anyone hurt yo-"

"Maybe what I'm scared of is while you're busy making sure nothing or no one hurts me you'll be doing it yourself." I cut him off.

"Stop doing this! Stop trying to distance yourself from me. Nothing you say will make me want to leave. Because I Cameron Dallas am in love with you Maddie Johnson" he says as he gets down on one knees and pulls out a black box.

"Will you Maddie Johnson do me the honor of..."

So a lot of people thought I should continue so I have decided to continue the story. Yay!

Hope you guys like this chapter and there's an unexpected question.

Also guys if any of you want to make a cover for the story. I am willing to choose one and use it. (:

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