Chapter 27

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Hollys p.o.v

My eyes opened, looking towards the ceiling. Hundreds of thoughts were playing through my mind, trying to make sense of last nights events. The white swirls on the ceiling were jumping around, indicating that i was clearly, still intoxicated. I felt like shit. 

I could hear voices coming from the kitchen, talking about brands of tea bags and every ones favourite. I slowly ripped my sweaty body up off the bed sheets and checked the time. It wasn't a big surprise that it was almost evening, my usual wake up time. I stepped away from the bed and tripped over something, making me scream.

"What the fuck?!" A voice gasped and i looked up to see myself laying on top of Zayn. "Oh well hello, didn't expect you to be in the mood this early in the morning." He cheekily smiled, revealing the creases in his cheeks. His voice was tired and husky, giving me a happy sensation.

"Zayn, why are you on the floor?" I laughed as i stayed on top of him.

"Luke said sleeping in a bed with you was inappropriate so he gave me a blanket and a pillow and directed me towards the floor." Zayn told me and my expression turned to anger. "Holly, don't worry about it."

"What a dick." I quickly got up off of him, put on my fluffy dressing gown and walked down the hallway and into the kitchen. 

"Good afternoon." Luke spoke and i ignored him.

"Finally, lazy bum." Liam turned to me and i shot him a rude glare. "What was that for?" 

"Not in the mood." 

"You were highly intoxicated last night Holly, im surprised youre alive." Luke snapped and i turned to him. 

"Don't" I warned.

"Is Zayn still not up?" Liam asked and i nodded.

"No he is, hes just busy recovering from his sleep on the floor last night."

"Did you have a fight?" Liam asked and i let out a quick laugh.

"No i just have an annoying dad that thinks he can come back after so many years and control me." I shot him a look and he looked down awkwardly.

"Who knows what could've happened last night, you were drunk Holly." Luke tried to explain but i wasn't having any of it.

"You made Zayn sleep on the floor?" Liam interrupted me before i could speak. Liam stared and Luke and shook his head. "Listen yeah, Zayn is my best friend and Holly's boyfriend. He makes her happy and keeps her safe, all of us keep her safe. Do you understand? She was fine before you got here, let me handle things." Liam told Luke sternly. "Oh and if you ever treat my friends like that again, you're out." He added before leaving the room. 

There was an awkward atmosphere in the room and considering Liam handled the situation well, i thought i'd leave it at that. I walked out after Liam and smiled at him.


"Thanks." I looked down shyly and he nodded, clearly still aggravated.


Sunday was family meal time as usual and we were all sitting around waiting Niall to bring back the KFC. Luke and Karen were silently sitting, listening to the conversations we were having. Probably judging every word that everyone said.

"He's taking ages, i bet he's eating it in the car." Harry laughed.

It would be Rachel's first sunday meal with all of us and i could tell she felt honored to be invited. That's what i loved about Rachel, she didn't expect anything.

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