Chapter 25

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Zayn's P.O.V

I sat in the resturant with Holly, listening to her talk about school and her friends. She let me take her to a fancy place this time because she felt bad that she couldn't come yesterday. 

"So, is Rachel like your best friend?" I asked, taking a bite out of my bread. 

"Well, kind of. Eleanor's probably my best best friend but she's more like a sister and then there's Harry too, he's my best friend. All the boys are really and then Jon is my best friend, like Rachel, all 3 of us are super close." 

"Oh, okay. Rachel seems more like you than Eleanor."


"I don't know. Eleanors chill and everything but you and Rachel are more alike."

"I suppose but Eleanor's my best friend." She smiled. 

"Have you noticed anything weird with her recently?" I asked.

"Yeah, she's not herself. I haven't seen her in a few days, she's barely eating." 

"I know. Louis asked if i noticed. Are you gonna talk to her about it?" I watched her take out her phone from her pocket.

"Sorry, it's been vibrating in my pocket for a while." She told me but i didn't mind. "It's Liam." I watched her face turn from happy to sickly in a matter of 10 seconds. 

"What did it say?" I asked and she passed the phone over to me. 

You need to come home asap. Sorry to ruin your meal but its important. I tried calling but you didn't answer. Come home as soon as you see this. Family emergency. Mum's here. 

"Let's go then." I told her and she just stayed sitting as i stood up. "Holly." I said and she finally stood up, without saying anything. I paid the bill on my way out for the food that we didn't even get to eat and walked to the car behind her. 

"Why is she here?"

"I don't know. Just wait and see. It'll be okay."

"Probably won't." 

"I'll be there with you, don't worry. Whatever happens, i'll be there." I told her and reversed out of the parking space. 


"I promise." I took one hand off the steering wheel and grabbed her hand in mine. I saw her smile out of the corner of my eye. I pulled her hand up to my face and kissed it. "I love you, ok?" 

"I love you too." 

I drove in complete silence, the music from the radio drowning in the background. Holly stayed in the same position, holding my hand on her lap and staring out the window. I pulled up outside the apartment building and looked at her. 

"Ready?"i asked and she nodded, opening her car door. I followed her into the building. "Do you want me to come in to Liam's or not?" 

"Come. I mean you don't have to but-"

"I'll come." I interrupted and knocked on Liam's door for her. After a long moment, he opened it. He wasn't the usual happy, smiley Liam he normally is. "Holly asked me to come in with her but if you don't want me here, i completely understand." I told him and he shook his head. 

"Yeah, you can come in." He let us in and stopped Holly in the hallway. "Okay. I know this is gonna be a huge shock because it was to me. I'm not sure how you're gonna take it." Holly nodded. 

"I know, mums here. Where is she?" 

"In there. Wait there's something else you need to-" Holly stopped Liam and walked in to the living room. Sitting on one of the sofa's was a man and a woman. I looked at Holly and saw her face, as if she was about to cry. She turned around to Liam and he gave her a slow nod before she turned back to the people.

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