Chapter 21

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Zayn's P.O.V

I watched the video in disgust. The boys watched it over my shoulder and Brianna kept trying to snatch it out of my hands. "Don't touch me." I snapped and she stepped back.

"They framed me!" She screamed and i ignored her. I got to the end of the video and turned the camrea off. I was literally fuming, you could tell by my clenched jaw. I stayed looking down and Liam walked up to her.

"We've been so nice to you, let you tour with us, i even let you sleep iin my bed in the bus. How dare you say we're talentless. Every single one of us has talent, more than what you have-" Liam shouted which he rarely does until i was ready to cut in.

"Was that your plan? You have no idea how badly i wanted to leave you when i saw Holly but i didn't because i am a decent guy. I trusted you and turned against the girl i really care for and now she hates me." I spat out and she grinned.

"Chill out, i saved you from her, she's annoying." She laughed. If she was a boy, she would be unconcious on the ground at this moment.

"I have nothing to say to you because i'm not wasting any more time on a worthless, fake bitch." I told her, struggling to hold my arm away from hitting her. "Go get your bags and get lost."

"How am i supposed to get all the way back to New York?" She asked and i laughed.

"I really don't give a shit."

"I'll go get my stuff if you buy me a plane ticket back to New York." She comprimised and i smiled.

"No, i have a better idea, wait there." I ran inside and took the stairs instead of waiting in the elevator. When i reached my room i grabbed her clothes from the draw, opened the window and threw them down to the fans waiting outside the hotel. I cleared all of her things out of the room via the window and waved at the fans. "BRIANNA WANTED YOU TO HAVE HER STUFF BECAUSE SHE WON'T BE DOING ANY MORE MODELING WHEN I TALK TO HER AGENT!" I yelled and the fans cheered. After a few minutes, i walked back down to where everyone was standing. The boys and Brianna were argueing and calling eachother names.

"Where'd you go?" The boys chorused and i smiled.

"Just giving Brianna's stuff to some deserving fans."

"Excuse me?" She asked and the boys let out a surpised laugh.

"Go round to the front of the hotel. I told them you weren't going to need the clothes seen as you won't be modelling when i call your agent."

"If you're serious, i will ruin you." She snapped and stormed around to the front of the hotel.

"Did you actually do that?!" Niall asked and i nodded, proudly.

"Holly hates me." I let out when i realized she was gone. I took out my phone and texted her, "I know you're on the plane but i'm so so sorry, can you call me when you see this so we can talk?? xx" I wasn't sure if she'd reply or not. To be honest, i wouldn't if i were her.

Brianna ran back round the corner and faced me. "You are a dick and you have no idea what i'm capable of." She yelled and slapped my face before i had time to respond. I pulled my hand up to my numb face and watched her leave in a cab, pointing her middle finger at me. I turned around to the boys.

"I'm sorry, you have no idea how stupid i feel right now. You're my best friends, like my brothers and i got mad at you over some fake bitch."

"It's okay, we understand, just forget it ever happened. Use your apology on Holly." Harry replied and i sighed.

"She's never going to forgive me."

"She will, she doesn't hold grudges." Liam smiled and we all walked back into the hotel. We had 3 days left in California for our break until we moved on to Arizona.

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