Chapter 17

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Holly's P.O.V

I went out for the first time in a while with Eleanor. We walked around London, shopping. Harry and I had been texting all morning about random stuff that only Harry would even think to talk about. I loved Harry, he was always there for me, just like Liam but different. 

"So, i haven't been up to date on the drama, what's happening?" Eleanor asked while browsing through the racks of clothes. 

"Well, me and Zayn are done, i'm done caring because he doesn't care so why should i?" I replied confidently. 

"Woah, that's my girl. But you know he does care." She laughed and i smiled. 

"I really don't get it though El, he chose Liam over me and he wasn't even nice about it. I started a conversation with him and he gave me one word answers so whatever, i tried. I'm not the girl that's gonna chase after him." 

"Lou told me he's been really down." Eleanor said, picking out a shirt from the rack.

"Good." I replied, thinking more about the situation, making me more mad. "I actually can't believe he did that to me, just said it's over and that's it, didn't come to see me, nothing and now he's being rude." 

"Calm down babe, lets go get starbucks." She grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the store. 

We got our drinks and had to stop to take some pictures with fans who kept asking who i was texting. 

"Yeah, who have you been texting all day Holl?" Eleanor asked while raising her eyebrows at me and i laughed.

"Just Harry, calm down." All the girls started squealing. 

"HARRY STYLES!?!?!?" A girl yelled at me.

"Uhhh, yeah."

"ARE YOU TOGETHER!!?" Another brunette girl asked and i burst out laughing.

"No we are not, he's like my best friend!" I exclaimed and the girls let out a relief sigh. 

"Can I have Zayn's number because he's sexy?" I heard one of the girls say and i thought about Zayn for a moment.

"Trust me hun, you don't want his number." I shot out without thinking. Shit why did i just say that. "I mean im sorry i cant." I pulled Eleanor out of the crowd of girls and we went home.

As i walked in to a room filled with people, most that i didn't know, Zayn ran up to me and pulled me into the bathroom. 

"Ow, what are you doing Zayn?!" I shouted, yanking my arm out of his grip.

"I'm so so so sorry. I know i've been a complete dick and i really don't deserve you but you're the only girl i want. I didn't mean anything i said, i swear." He let out in one breath.

"And i'm supposed to forgive you for breaking up with me, not talking to me, no texts, nothing and then on top of that, you're rude." 

"I know, it was my way of coping because i knew if i saw you, i'd give into temptation. You know how much i care about you." He told me.

"But you care about Liam more." I leaned against the wall.

"No that's not true, i did it for the band, you have to understand that if me and Liam don't get along, there's no one direction and that's my life." 

"Ok. So why are you doing this if you know it'll make Liam mad?" 

"He told me we could be together earlier but you were out so i had to wait for you to get home but i was so excited, this is the best thing that can happen. We can tell everyone, i want the world to know that you're mine and only mine." Zayn reached for my hand and held it. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach like they always did with Zayn. He leaned in to kiss me but i moved my head. "What's wrong?" He asked me. 

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