Chapter 15

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Zayn's P.O.V

"I thought you were my best friend and you went behind my back. You knew how protective i am over her." Liam yelled over the loud music. 

"I know i'm sorry, i really like her, i swear i won't hurt her." I said to him, unable to look up at his face. 

I looked over at Holly who was already looking at me and she bit her lip anxiously. "It wasn't all Zayn's fault. It's mine too."

"Yeah it is Holly and i'll deal with you later for lying to me, but Zayn, you knew, i told you the first day in the car not to go near her and considering you're my best friend, i thought you'd respect that." Liam spat out. 

"I'm so sorry Liam, i won't hurt her, i-"

"Yes you will, Holly you have no idea who your boyfriend is, he's a player and he will use you, he doesn't care about you, i know him better than you." He paused for a moment and looked over at the boys and Eleanor. "Wait, did you all know about this?"

"Um, well, i was sworn to secrecy, i'm sorry Liam." Harry said.

"I only found out the other day and i didn't want to get involved, sorry mate." Niall looked down. 

"Oh so me and Eleanor are the only ones that didn't know other than Liam? Ok thanks friends." Louis said looking at Eleanor who licked her bottom lip and looked away. "You knew too? Well great, thanks." He said looking at her. 

Liam nodded his head and laughed. "Okay, brilliant. Let's go Dan. Make sure Holly gets home, let her stay with one of you, i don't want to see any of you tonight." He said angrily before storming out of the club.

No one talked, every one just sat down speechless. "I think we should call it a night." Niall finally said, gesturing towards the door and we all got up without speaking. 

We got outside to wait for a cab and Holly put her arms around my waist but i pulled away. She looked at me confused but i just looked away from her. I liked Holly, more than any girl i'd ever met but i couldn't do that to Liam because i know he would never do that to me. 

"Zayn, i know this probably isn't a good time but i was wondering where this leaves us, we're still together, right?" Holly questioned, looking at me. 

"Um, i know this is hard, but i respect Liam and i don't think this is gonna work. We should just be friends." I let out.

"So Liam was right, you don't care about me at all." She said, allowing a cheek to roll down her face. 

I wasn't giving in to her, as much as i wanted to, i had to stick to my decision, for Liam. 

"Yup, Liam was right." 

"You don't mean this, you're gonna change your mind tomorrow, you're just mad, ok?" She said, moving infront of me. 

"No, i don't want to be with you, ok?" 

"Why are you doing this? For my brother? He'll get over it, you like me and i like you, why can't we be together" She slurred, still drunk.

"Just stop, you're embarrassing yourself. We're done, that's it. Leave me alone." I said,  getting frustrated. 

I had to be mean for her to accept it. If i was nice, she would've kept trying and i probably would've got back with her. 

"Come on, Holl. Lets go home." Harry pulled her away into the cab. "You take the other cab, she can stay with me tonight." 

"Okay, thanks. Make sure she's okay and everything." I told him. Obviously i cared about her a lot and i would still do anything for her, i just couldn't let her know that.

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