Chapter 5

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Holly's P.O.V

After 5 hours of following Jake around aimlessly, i decided it was time to go back to Liams. 

"Im really tired Jake. I think i'm gonna go home and relax." I announced.

He looked at me and laughed. "No you're not, babe, we're gonna go to a party tonight." He told me. 

"What party? Im really tired, i just feel like a night in, Jake."

"We are going to the party, Holly, i don't really care what you want."

I realized there was no point in arguing. He would always win and it usually ended with me getting hurt.

"Okay, so if i'm going to a party, i need to go to Liams, get ready and tell him where i'm going and all that." I said.

"You don't need to tell Liam where you're going, i'm the only one you need to worry about. I'm coming with you to make sure you wear something sexy."

I gave in. I lead the way back to Liams apartment without a word. Hopefully Liam wouldn't mind.

Liams P.O.V

I flicked through the channels on TV. I wonder what Holly's doing, she hasn't texted all day. 

Right at that moment, i heard someone enter. "Holly?" I yelled.

"Yup, it's me. I hope you don't mind, Jake is here while i get ready." She replied, walking into the room with him.

"Oh yeah, of course thats fine. Hey, we met before." I said warmly to Jake. 

"Oh uh, yeah we did." He replied, not so nicely.

"Wait, Holly, what are you getting ready for?" 

"Well, Jake's bringing me to this party, thats okay, right?" 

"Oh, what party?" I smiled, asking Jake.

"Ice 2012, there's one every year if you didn't already know." Jake snapped. 

"Oh." I turned back to the tv.

Why was my sister with this boy? Maybe im wrong but he's really not her type. I'll talk to her about it later. 

Half an hour later, Holly came out of the room dressed in the most expicit thing i have ever seen her wear and I dont think she could've caked herself with any more make-up if she tried.

I gave her a 'what the fuck are you wearing' look and she smiled apologetically back at me. 

"Jake, you go outside, i just have to talk to Liam for a second." 

Jake left the room and Holly turned to me. "I know I look like a whore, i didn't choose this. I'll be back later and i will call if anything happens. You don't need to wait up." She reassured me. 

"I will wait up, you worry me Holl. Just be safe, okay?" I said.

"Of course." and with that she turned to walk out the door. 

"And Holly" She turned to me. "Dont drink too much." She smiled and walked out the door. 

Zayns P.O.V

I took out my phone and dialed Harry's number. 

"Hey Harry" I said when he answered. "I just found out that Ice is having its annual party tonight, do you wanna go? Last years was crazy" I asked.

"Are you serious? Of course i wanna go, i'll get ready right now. If its anything like last years, it'll be a good night." He answered. 

"Alright, text me when you get there." I said and hung up. 

Tonight was gonna be sick. 

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