Chapter 26

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Holly's P.O.V

I needed to distract myself from what happened yesterday. Karen and Luke were in the living room with Liam while i got myself ready to go out. I felt lifeless, like i'd just ran a marathon without water. The only reason i was going to this party was so that i could get drunk and forget everything for a while. 

"Hi Holly." Eleanor walked in and i saw her reflection in the mirror behind me. My face lit up and i ran over to her, hugging her tight. "I haven't seen you in a while."

"I know, i missed you. Are you coming to the party tonight?" 

"I've clearly missed a lot too. Josh Devine's party?"

"Yeah." I replied and she shrugged.

"Lou said something about that. Should i come?" 

"Obviously. I need my best friend to get drunk with right now." I smiled as i took my hair out of my bun. "El, i need to talk to you while we're alone." 

"What about?" 

"Have you been okay recently?" I slowly asked and she nodded.

"Yup. Why do you say that?"

"You've been different. Distant from all of us." 

"I've been busy, that's all." She smiled. 

"And you never eat. We've all noticed. You used to eat whenever you could but now you're always refusing food. That's not like you, El." 

"Not hungry." She looked down and i sighed.

"Alright, well, if you ever decide you want to talk to someone, i'm always here." 

"Thanks Holly." She smiled at me and i turned back to the mirror. 

"Anyway, what should i wear tonight?" I changed the conversation and started to get ready.


After i was done getting ready, I sat in the living room with Harry. The tension between me and my parents was awkward and Harry was in between it all. 

"How are you getting home from this party tonight?" Luke asked and i shrugged. 

"Cab or one of our personal drivers, like we always do." 

"I could pick you up?" He offered. 

"I'm a big boy, Luke." 

"What about Holly, she's not a big girl." 

"Yeah, she is." I argued back. 

"She's only 17. I never would've let her go to parties in clubs at that age." 

"You left us, you have absolutely no say in what Holly is or isn't allowed to do." 

"So, who does?" 

"Me." I told him as i watched Harry look around the room, pretending he wasn't interested in the conversation. 

"That's like a kid raising a kid." 

"I'm 19. Holly isn't a kid either. She's been through more than most people so she's quite capable of making her own choices." I told him firmly and he nodded. 

"If you're sure." 

"I am."

"You can't just come back and start telling Liam how to look after me. This is the happiest and safest i've ever been. I don't want to argue so end of conversation." Holly walked in and i smiled at her. 

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