Chapter 7

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Zayn's P.O.V

I walked into our apartment building, still carrying Holly. She wasn't asleep anymore, she was just tired and drunk, still sobbing with her loss of breath.

I slowly knocked on Liam's door, afraid of what to say. He opened it and gave me a dirty look. 

"Uhm, what happened?!" Liam yelled.

I slid past him to go put Holly in her bed. I'd explain to him as soon as i knew she was ok. 

I slowly lowered her onto the bed and wiped the remaining tears off her face. She looked at me and half smiled. I pulled the covers over her and sat down beside her on the bed. 

"Have a good sleep. If you need me, just text." I smiled. She smiled back and grabbed my hand as i was about to stand up. 

"Thank you, Zayn." I bent down to her, kissed her forehead and smiled, showing her that everything was ok.

Liams P.O.V

I am beyond confused. Where was her boyfriend and why did she come home with Zayn?

Zayn walked out of her room and closed the door. 

"Mate, i can explain." He said. 

"Yeah, well start explaining then." I said, frustrated. 

"We ended up going to the same party as her and her boyfriend and i didn't know until near the end of the night when she was already really drunk. I just told her boyfriend that i'd take her home and that she'd be fine. Thats all." 

"Then why was she crying?" I asked. There was something he wasn't telling me. 

"Like i said, she had too much to drink and she just started crying. I wouldn't worry about it too much. She's safe and she'll be fine in the morning." He told me.

I knew what Holly was like when she was drunk. Either crying or dancing on tables. 

"Okay. Thanks for bringing her home and taking care of her." I said. 

"Yeah, it was no problem," he replied. "i should go home, i'm really tired." He turned to walk out the door.

"Hey zayn!" I ran after him in the hallway. 

He turned around to me. "I'm sorry. You know for the other day when i was rude. It was wrong of me, i know you would never go for my sister, I overreacted." I admitted. 

"Yeah, it's fine, i understand." He smiled and turned and walked away. 

That's what i loved about Zayn. He was understanding and always tried to look at how other people are feeling. He's a good friend. 

Zayns P.O.V 

Thank god that was over. I didn't like lying to Liam but i had to. Holly obviously had a reason for not wanting to tell him and i would just have to wait and see what it was. I'm usually not overly protective of people, but Holly was different. 

I don't know why I cared so much about her. Is it because she's Liam's sister? Yeah, lets go with that. 


Sorry this chapter suckeddddd, it'll get better. - brogan :) xo

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