Chapter 10

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Holly's P.O.V

We all sat at Liam's the whole of the next day playing fifa and eating. It was a great day until Jake texted me. 

The text read, "Coming down to London again tomorrow, cancel your plans." I read it and sighed. Zayn obviously noticed because he came and sat beside me. 

"What's up?" He asked. 

"Jake" I replied looking at my phone. Zayn took my phone and read the text. 

"Don't go Holly."

"This is what you don't get, i have to!" 

"Then i'm coming." Zayn said as he handed back my phone. 

"Yeah, no i don't think that would be a good idea." 

"He's gonna keep hurting you, i'm coming and if he touches you, i'll hurt him." 

At that moment Liam jumped on top of both of us. "What are you guys talking about?" Liam laughed. He was really hyper from all the energy drinks he drank all day. 

"Nothing, let me beat you in fifa." Zayn said and stole one of the remotes from Liam. 

I sat there and watched, worrying about tomorrow.

-----------------THE NEXT DAY------------------

 *BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP* The alarm sounded. I reached over without opening my eyes and hit it. 10:30. 

I rolled out of bed and proceeded on getting ready to go out, hoping i'd sneak away without Zayn seeing. I went into the bathroom, brushed my teeth and put on some make up, really quickly. 

I grabbed my bag and rushed down the hallway to the living room and wrote a note for Liam saying i'd be home later and not to worry. I thought i'd got away with no one seeing me but as soon as i opened the door to leave, i saw Zayn waiting in the hallway. 

"You thought i was joking about coming? I knew you'd try and leave without me so i got up earlier than you did." He laughed.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Go home, please Zayn, this really isn't a good idea."

"Fine, i'll just watch you from afar. He won't know unless he touches you, ok?" He said while stopping me. 

"Fine. Do you have a cigarette?" I asked. 

"Not for you." He winked at me.

"Why not?"

"You need to give it up, bad habit."

"You do it, Zayn!"

"Yeah, but i'm trying to quit and you're gonna quit with me."

"You're annoying" I smiled as i pushed him into the wall. 

We got down and Zayn unlocked his car. "We're obviously driving, I can't take the bus." He laughed. 

I got in the car with him and he turned the radio up loud. What makes you beautiful came on and Zayn drove as i danced and sang really loud. 

"Well, if we ever need a 6th member, i know who." He looked at me and laughed. 

I ignored his comment and carried on dancing.

"You can let me out here and i'll be on the boardwalk. Don't make it obvious. If he notices you, i'm gonna tell him you keep following me" 

 "If i text you, answer me, ok?" He said, stopping the car. 

"Yes, chill out." I replied. 

"And don't be scared of him because i will be there the whole time."

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