Chapter 4

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Holly's P.O.V

I opened my eyes and turned to look at the clock. 11:30AM. I was supposed to be meeting Jake at 12. I let out a long groan as i got up and put on a pair of dark blue skinny jeans with a plain white sweater. 

I walked into the kitchen expecting Liam but instead i found a note that read, 'At Harry's and Louis', I was too lazy to make my own breakfast. Come if you want and don't go out without telling me where you're going, Liam.'

I wasn't hungry but i had to go tell Liam where i was going. 

I walked down the hallway until i reached Louis and Harry's apartment door. I knocked and after a few moments, Harry appeared. 

"I suppose you were too lazy to make your own breakfast too, come in." He said.

"No, i just needed to tell Liam that im going out." i replied, smiling.

"Where are you going?" I heard Liam ask from the living room. 

I slid past Harry until i saw Liam. 

"Out with Jake. I'm actually supposed to meet him in 10 minutes, but considering no one woke me up, i'm gonna be late" i joked as i slapped Liam upside the head. 

"Okay, make sure you're home at a reasonable time." Liam said.

I looked at him and laughed, "ok, dad." He laughed and stuffed a sausage in his mouth.

Louis walked out of the bedroom and saw me. 

"You're going out, to see your boyfriend... like that?" he asked, disgusted. 

"er, yeah. Why not?" I answered. 

"Yeah, i was gonna tell you that you look like a panda and your hair is frizzy, but i thought i'd let Louis do the honors." Harry winked. 

I walked over to the mirror and realized that I was going to be a lot later than i thought. This isn't good. Jake is going to kill me. 

I pulled out my phone and texted him, 'hey, hope you aren't there already, gonna be a bit late, sorry.'

I told the boys i'd see them later and turned to walk out the door.

"Holly!" Harry yelled. The moment i turned around, something hit my face. A plum. "Sorry not sorry." Harry added laughing. 

"So unoriginal, Styles." I laughed as i left down the hallway, back to Liam's apartment to fix myself.

I wasn't looking forward to seeing Jake. He's not a good person for lack of a good enough adjective.

Liam's P.O.V

"So, what do you think of her boyfriend, Liam?" Harry asked me.

"He's.. well, I've only met him once and he seemed fine but i always see the difference in Holly when she comes home from seeing him. Not a good difference, more like a tired of life difference." I replied.

"I'm sure he's fine, you need to stop worrying so much." Louis laughed and walked back into the bedroom. 

We heard a knock on the door so i got up to see who was here. 

"Vas happenin'?!" Zayn yelled as he walked straight in. 

"Well, Liam's being psycho brother again." Harry joked and Zayn smiled. 

"Is she still asleep?" Zayn asked. 

"No, she went out to see her boyfriend" I replied knowing full well that Zayn felt something for her. 

His face went from a smile to a serious expression in a matter of seconds. I know i was being a dick, but he needed to take a large step back. 

Zayns P.O.V

She's with her boyfriend. Of course she is. Why wouldn't she be? She seemed weird yesterday though. When i asked about her boyfriend she replied with 'yeah, he's.. yeah, anyway' and changed the subject. 

I sat down with the boys and decided to try and turn my thoughts positive. She's probably fine. 

"So boys, what are your plans for today?" I questioned.

"Lou is going shopping with Eleanor, Niall is already out somewhere with Josh, and I am going to my friends BBQ." Harry answered. 

"And i am just gonna sit here and relax. What are you doing?" Liam added. 

"I don't know, maybe wander the streets, buy new shoes, you'll know where i am, twitter will update you." I said, laughing. 

Holly's P.O.V

He didn't reply to my text. He's mad, i know he is. Brilliant way to start the day with him.

I walked into the coffee shop that we were supposed to be meeting in. He was there, on his phone. 

"Hey Jake." I said nervously. 

"Oh cool, decided to show up?" He said angrily.

"I did text you telling you i'd be-"

"I know. Sit." He demanded and i did what he said, as always. 

"So.. how have you been?" I asked breaking the silence.

"Great, since you left, so many girls have been flirting with me and trying to get with me. I told them that when i'm done with you, i'd call them so don't worry, I didn't cheat on you again yet." He smirked.

Typical Jake. 

"Oh, that's nice." I said awkwardly.

"I already had my coffee so lets go walk around or something." He said.

"Well i was kind of hoping to get a drink, I didn't eat anything this morn-"

"No, get up" He demanded, i listened. 

I hate this and i hate him. Why did i pick the one boy that would treat me bad. He doesn't even like me, he's told me a few times that i'm just something to do when he's bored. I tried to break up with him when i realized that he was a dick but that was the first time he hit me. He threatened to do worse if i cheated on him. There was no way out of this unless he tells me we're done, im stuck. 


Authors note: If you've read this far, thank you. :) I would also appreciate any feedback you have for me! - Brogan.

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