Chapter 6.

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Harry's P.O.V

I showed up at the party and texted Zayn. "You here?" to which he replied, "Yeah, at the bar." 

I walked into the party to see people dancing and made my way over to the bar. 

"Ill have a bacardi and coke, please." I heard a familiar voice say. I turned around to see Holly. 

She was with a boy and didn't look very happy about being here. As he left her, she sat down on the chair, looking exhausted. She was wearing tight black leather shorts, fishnet tights and a pink bandeu. She looked sexy, but she also looked like a slut. That wasn't like her. 

"Holly!" I shouted as i walked over to her. "I didn't know you'd be here!"

Holly's P.O.V

Shit, Harry's here. This wasn't supposed to happen. What if he hears Jake say something to me tonight? He'd tell Liam and that definitely wouldn't end well. 

"Harry! er, yeah im here with my boyfriend." I said, trying to cover my bare skin. 

"Good thing im here to keep an eye on you" he smiled and winked. 

I smiled quickly and noticed Jake coming back. Jake would flip if he saw me talking to Harry, he considers that cheating. I turned away from Harry hoping that he'd walk away but instead he sat right beside me. 

"Who are you?" I heard Jake ask sternly. 

"Hi, i'm Harry Styles, who are you?" Harry replied innocently smiling. 

"Her boyfriend, now fuck off." 

"Uh, no you've got it wrong, i dont like Holly like tha-"

"Fuck off before i have to make you" Jake said. 

Harry looked at me as if he wanted me to stand up for him. But i didn't. I couldn't.

I looked at Harry apologetically, knowing full well there was nothing i could do in this situation. I'd talk to him later, i just hope he doesn't tell anyone about this. 

"Whatever then. Bye Holly.." Harry muttered and walked away. 

I felt like such a bitch. 

Harry's P.O.V

What was that? Holly didn't even say anything. I thought we were friends and I thought she'd atleast defend me. Whatever, i guess i was wrong. 

I walked towards Zayn and decided not to tell him what just happened. 


Zayn's P.O.V 

I was having the best time. Harry was definitely the best person to party with. I walked out of the club to have a quick smoke and get some air. 

"For the last time, he's my brothers friend." 

"Do you think i care? Why am i even with you, you treat me like shit" 

"I treat you like shit?! No Jake, you treat me like shit. I wish you could be the way you were when we first met."

"Tough luck babe."

I knew that voice. 

I peered around the corner to see 2 people. A girl standing against the wall and a boy standing in front of her. 

"I'm going home, think about this the next time you talk to another boy" The boy said and with that he left, pushing her hard onto the floor. 

I ran towards the girl to help her up. As i got closer, I realized why she'd sounded so familiar, it was Holly. 

I looked at her in shock. 

"Who the fuck is he?!" I shouted. 

She looked up at me and i saw the pain in her eyes. Her makeup was everywhere and she was muddy from being on the ground. 

"Zayn, wh, what did yo, you see?" She sobbed. 

I bent down to the ground attempting to pick her up but she didn't want to be moved. I gave in and sat  down beside her, pulling her onto me. 

"Pretty much everything." I said, clenching my jaw. "Who is he, Holly?" 

"Dont worry" She whispered pulling herself closer to me. 

"Obviously i'm gonna worry, Holl, who is he? I would've ran after him, but you need me." 

"He's not important." she cried into my chest. 

"It is important, he hurt you and I want to hurt him, show him what it feels like."

"No Zayn, he's my boyfriend. Just leave it, please." She sobbed and i went speechless.

Her boyfriend? Is she serious? 

I sat with her for a good half hour listening to her cry and i didn't say a word. 

"Holly, let's go home." I picked her up, bridal style and carried her to the front of the club. I needed to find Harry and get a cab. 

"Zayn." She said. "Promise me you won't tell Liam what happened." 

"I can't promise that, he needs to know."

"No Zayn!" She yelled. "Please, i'll do anything." 

"Ok, i won't tell Liam if you promise to tell me the whole story of your boyfriend tomorrow."

"fine." She sighed and rested her head back down on my shoulder. 

I took out my phone and called Harry. 

"Hey, I'm with Holly out the front, it's a long story but we're leaving. You coming with us?"

"Yeah, i'll be right out." He replied. 

The cab ride home consisted on Holly falling asleep on me and no one talking. What on earth was i supposed to tell Liam happened? 


AUTHORS NOTE: Did anyone read this far? Tweet me any suggestions you have, @1d_preferences.

I really enjoy writing this hahahaha, i get so into it in my head. xoxoxo brogan :) 

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