Chapter 31

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When we got home, i stopped outside the door of Liams apartment. Zayn knew that i was scared of my mum still being there so he put his hand on my shoulder from behind and gave a reassuring squeeze.

"She probably won't be there, hopefully she's gone." Zayn whispered and i nodded as i swallowed deeply. 

"Hopefully." I paused. "What if she's in there?" 

"If she knows what's good for her, she won't be." He said and i turned to him.

"If she's there, i don't want you to shout or do anything, i need to tell Liam first before anything happens, ok?" 

"Ok." He agreed and i knocked on the door. After a few moments, Danielle opened the door and allowed us space to enter. 

"Dan, where's-"

"Liam's in his room and Karen's in the bathroom i think." She shrugged and closed the door behind us.

"Karen's here?" Zayn asked and i watched his jaw clench. 

"Yeah, of course, where else would she be? Not sure what happened to Luke, she said he just left?"

"Yeah, he did." I answered quickly before Zayn could get another word in. "I'm gonna go talk to Liam." I pointed to the hallway where his room was and Danielle nodded.

"I'm gonna go with her." Zayn said slowly and went to follow me.

"Is there something i don't know, you're both being weird." Danielle smiled at us and i shook my head.

"You'll probably hear it in about 10 minutes." I nodded and walked quickly past the bathroom and into Liam's room.

"I could've been naked." He smiled at us as we walked in.

"Liam, remember i said i needed to talk to you?"

"Right now? While i'm unpacking?" He laughed. "I never knew you were so impatient Holl."

"Trust me, it's important." I sat on the bed and he looked up at me, realising my concern and gave a slight nod, hinting for me to tell him. "When you were gone, Luke left because we got in an arguement-"

"Yeah Karen said! About what?"

"Liam just stop a minute. It was about you being responsible for me but that's not even relevant right now. Anyway, i went out because i was so mad at him. I must've been out for around 3 hours or something like that. I came home and" I paused for a minute, just as i had when i told Zayn. Zayn sat on the other side of the bed, nodding at me and helping me through the words.

"And?" Liam urged. 

"And Karen was in her room, drunk." I looked up and Liam and he could see where this was going.

"What did she do?" Liam's voice turned cold and harsh.

"She, she threw herself at me and i don't really know what happened after that, i must've passed out because the next thing i remember was running out of the house and going to Jon's." Zayn's jaw clenched at the word Jon and sat staring at the bed. It took a few moments for Liam to process what i'd said but when he did, his lips tightened and his fists became slightly clenched. 

"Holly." Liam spoke and i looked up.


"Promise me one thing?"


"Don't come out of this room until i come back for you. I mean it." He pointed at me and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him. I looked up at Zayn who was almost at the door, ready to follow but i grabbed him.

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