Chapter 11

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Zayn's P.O.V

A few days passed and Holly and I grew closer. I think the rest of the boys were starting to notice my crush on her because they made fun of me and nudged me every time she walked into the room. I'm pretty sure Liam noticed too, but he didn't say anything. 

I wanted to spend every minute of the day with her but i needed to give her some space, i didn't want to be annoying so i went back to my place alone that night and decided to just relax in sweat pants and a tank top and watch some movies. 

Hollys P.O.V

I wanted to talk to Zayn but i didn't want to be annoying. I knew he had a bit of a crush on me, Louis told Eleanor and she told me. With everything that went on recently, i hadn't been really thinking about my feelings for Zayn until she told me. I couldn't help but smile and i got butterflies in my stomach, that must mean something. 

I sat on the sofa across from Liam and Danielle, they were doing a twitcam together. 

"Say hi to my sister everyone!" Liam beamed as he turned the webcam to face me. 

I smiled and waved even though i hated being on camera, i had to be friendly. After a few minutes of watching Danielle and Liam be silly together I got a text.

It was from Zayn 'hahaha you're a trending topic on twitter :) x' 

'I am? What does it say?!' I replied. 

'#liamssisterissocute ahaha' 

'Ahhh, I have a name and that's so embarrassing, not used to all this.'

'Think i might join the trend and tweet it ;) xx' He joked

'Haha you're so funny. Do it and see what happens ;)xx'

'Ooooh, I'm intrigued, check ma tweet babe. ;) xx' 

"Liam, did Zayn just tweet?" I asked. 

He laughed, "Yeah he tweeted about you being cute." I sighed and replied to the text quickly,

'You're dead.'  

I got up and ran out the door towards Zayns apartment. I forgot i was wearing my pj's, probably because i was excited to see him.

I stopped at his door, even though i knew it'd be open. I lingered there for a few seconds, getting a bit nervous which wasn't like me at all. Eventually i pushed the door open, ran in towards him and pushed him onto the sofa. 

"Go on then Payne, kill me." He laughed and flipped me over, giving him the advantage.

I tried to tackle him with my legs because he had my hands locked in his.

"I'm not even trying." I laughed and he smiled, showing his beautiful white teeth.

"Alright then, maybe you'll try when i do this." He said and started tickling my stomach.

Tickling is my weakest point, i can't bear it. Everywhere on my body is ticklish.

 "STOPPPPPP!" I screamed. If anyone heard, it would've sounded like he was murdering me. 

I screamed at him and finally managed to release my arms from his grip. He stopped and looked at me. He was still on top of me and i was still half laughing, trying to get my breath back. 

"I hate you, you know i hate when people tickle-"

He interuppted me with a kiss. The thoughts in my head went blank and the only think i could think about was how perfect he was. There is no better guy than Zayn and i couldn't believe that he liked me of all people. 

We kissed for a few minutes until he pulled away, climbed off of me and walked into the kitchen. 

I knew it, it was way to good to be true. Am i a bad kisser? This is so awkward, i am so stupid. I kept thinking about everything. He was gone for about 10 minutes, leaving me sitting on the floor with my thoughts. 

"Zayn, what are you doing?" I finally let out. 

"Wait." He yelled back. 

I did as he said and waited for what seemed like forever until he finally came out. With him he carried two mugs, shaped like snowmen. 

"You took 15 minutes to make tea?" I asked. 

"Obviously not, it's my hot chocolate, you'll never find one as good as this. All the boys always make me make it for them." He smiled, putting them down on the table. 

"Aw, the mugs are really cute!" I said. 

"Just like Liams sister?" He winked walking back into the kitchen. 

"Dont start me." I laughed realizing that he didn't regret the kiss and i was overthinking too much. 

Zayn walked back in, threw popcorn at my head and sat on the sofa behind me. 

"Come here, loser, we're gonna watch a movie." He said and i crawled onto the sofa beside him. 

It took us a while to agree on a movie but in the end i gave in and we started watching an old version of Friday the 13th. I laid leaning on him. Every time there was a scary part, i would jump and he'd laugh at me and pull me in closer. It made me feel safe and i loved that.

I liked this. We fit well together and i think that was the moment that I really realized how much i did like him. He played with my hair and occasionally rested his mouth on my head. 

Once the movie was over, we stayed in the same position, discussing what we'd do if we were one of the people in the movie. our hands we intertwined infront of me, he was tracing my palm lines with his thunmb. I looked at the time. 12:30am. 

"Liam's probably waiting for me." I said, still not moving. 

"Liam's probably pre occupied in bed with Danielle." Zayn laughed.

"Disgusting." I rolled my eyes, trying to escape the image he just put in my head. 

"I don't want you to go." He said. 

"I don't want to leave, but i have to." 

"Holly, where does this like, you know, leave us?"

I thought for a second. "Um, well, you tell me." I said.

"I like you a lot." he admitted looking down at me and i smiled. 

"I like you too, i just know Liam wouldn't be ok with this." I replied. 

"He doesn't have to know." He smiled and bit his lip. Maybe i could see Zayn without Liam finding out, I really wanted to. I loved the bad side of Zayn.

"Fine, i'll see you later then loser." I said, getting up. He pulled my arm back down so that i fell onto him and he kissed me again. He raised his hand to my neck and the other arm was holding me up onto him. I got butterflies once again.

"Now you can go, bye beautiful." He smiled and winked and i gave him one more peck on the lips before getting up and walking out. 

Zayns P.O.V

I can't believe that just happened. She likes me, she actually likes me. I wanted to tell everyone, the most perfect girl in the world likes me. I couldn't though, not even the boys which would be hard because i tell them everything. 


Authors note: Thanks for reading guys, it means alot! 

follow me: @1d_preferences. 

Brogan xoxoox :) 

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