Chapter 20

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I woke up to a loud banging on my door so i rolled out of bed to answer it. 

"We're going to the beach, you coming?" Harry asked. 

"Who's going?" 

"Me, Zayn, Brianna, Liam and Danielle."

"Where's everyone else going? To be honest, i'm trying to stay away from Zayn."

"Why?" He asked, scooting past me, inviting himself into my room and sitting on my bed.

"Brianna told me to back off." 

"So what? She won't do anything because you know none of us would let her." He laughed. 

"I know, she's still intimidating though and Zayn obviously likes her. I was going to tell him that i wanted to be with him but all of a sudden he has a girlfriend and she's horrible. What does he even see in her?" I sighed, sitting beside him. 

"Tell him that then, maybe he feels the same about you." 

"No, i don't want drama. I'll just wait i suppose." 

"Well, are you coming? Otherwise i'm gonna be a 5th wheel." He smiled and i thought about it. "Pleeeeease Holly?" 

"Fine. Give me 10 minutes." I told him and he left me so that i could change and get ready. I pulled my hair back into a high pony tail and then grabbed a bag and put my sun cream, my book and my towel into it. I wore my yellow bikini underneath red shorts and a white t-shirt and slipped on my white flip flops. I grabbed my sun glasses before leaving out the door. 

We headed down and got Paul to drive us to the beach 5 minutes away instead of walking to avoid the fans. I never realized how crazy being famous was until this moment. All the girls were jumping onto the car and it was scary.

I was forced to sit beside Brianna because that was the only seat left and she kept nudging me to make me look at her kissing Zayn. I didn't give her any reaction but Harry noticed and we kept making inside jokes about her. We got to the beach and laid our towels down. It wouldn't be long before people found us but we were hoping we'd blend in with a little family sitting near us. 

"Baby, i'm gonna sleep for 25 minutes so that i get an even tan and then i'll flip over. Can you wake me up?" Brianna rubbed her hand over Zayn's bare stomach and i cringed. She refused to put on sun cream but apparenly her skin doesn't burn if she times it just right.

"Yeah, of course babe." He smiled and i took my shirt and shorts off, hoping to get a good tan. I made Harry put sun cream on my back and he kept moving his hand towards my bum so i had to hit him for being a perv. He soon stopped when Liam gave him a death glare. It had been 5 minutes since Brianna had decided to sleep so i came up with a funny idea. 

"Zayn, wanna go in the water?" I asked and he looked up at me. 

"There's sharks in there and what if i drown?" 

"Don't be a baby, come on." I smiled. "Pleeease?" I tried to look as cute as possible and he laughed.

"I can't, i have to wake Brianna up in 20 minutes." He told me and i grabbed his phone from the ground. 

"Give her an alarm." I told him and he agreed to come. He put on the timer, stood up and started walking to the water. I looked at Harry and smiled. Knowing what i planned to do, he passed me the phone and i changed the timer to 50 minutes. We both shared an evil glare when Zayn yelled at me to hurry up so i threw down his phone and ran towards him. 

We walked into the water and Zayn was complaining about it being cold. "You're honestly such a girl." I told him and he grabbed my shoulders and dunked me. "I hate you! Now my hair's gonna be gross!" I laughed and hit him. We splashed eachother for a while and i watched him freak out at every pice of sea weed that touched his leg. He ended up in my arms because he was scared of the fish that weren't even in the water. We kept ourselves busy for a while and it was nice. Just like things used to be, me and Zayn.

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