Chapter 32

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Holly's p.o.v

Nothing was right for a while after mum left. Liam was on edge and literally made sure i was safe all the time. I had a set time to be home and when i was out, i had to be with someone. Zayn and i were fine, he seemed to have got over the Jon thing but today i go back to school and i don't know how he or Liam are going to manage when they can't be with me 24/7. 

"You don't have to drive me, there is a bus, Liam. I am a normal person, i can take the bus." I argued but he shook his head. 

"No, i'm driving you and picking you up." 

"Its 8am, why would you want to get up when you have nothing to do, it's weird." 

"I'm driving you, that's that." He gave me a smile along with a pat on the head and walked out of the room. I'd been dreading this day for a while. I didn't know what was going to happen with Jon or how he'd react. 

After Liam dropped me right at the door of the school which was embarrassing to say the least, i walked through the crowd of people to get to my classroom. I wanted to go to class, see Rachel and then go home. I didn't feel like talking to anyone about their break or answering 1d trivia from the girls in gym to check i really knew the boys because being Liam's sister and Zayn's girlfriend clearly isnt evidence enough.

"Hi." Rachel welcomed me with a smile which was somewhat refreshing.

"Good morning." I smiled back and took my seat. 

We talked about everything but Jon. I knew she was trying to swerve the subject because everytime the conversation came remotely close to him, she changed it. 

"You can talk about Jon you know." I whispered to her and she laughed quietly.

"Well i didnt know-"

"Ladies at the back, stop talking or i'll send you down the hall to Mr. Palmer" Mr. Smith told us sternly. Rachel pulled out a blank piece of paper and wrote me a note.

"What's gonna happen at lunch?"

"I have no idea :(" I replied and began to dread leaving the classroom.


I walked into the lunch room. Walking as i replied to Zayn's text telling me he was picking me up.  I barely looked up as i sat in the usual spot beside the people that i know well enough to say hi to but not well enough to properly talk to. 

"Hi Holly." A voice said and i looked up from my phone to see Jon. Right at that moment Rachel flung her back over the seat and sat down.

"Hey pals." She greeted us and i stood up.

"Sorry Rach, i uh, i have to go." I told her and walked away from the table, planning on spending my lunch in the toilets. 

The rest of the day went slowly. I kept seeing Jon in the hallway and i kept avoiding eye contact. I wasn't mad at him, it was just awkward. I grabbed my books from my locker and walked out of the doors to try and spot Zayn in his car. 

"Holly." I heard from behind me.

"I can't talk right now!" I told Jon and continued walking.

"Are you mad at me still? I'm sorry, you know i am." He shouted to me and i turned to him.

"You're making a scene! I am not mad at you." I told him. "Things have just been good with Zayn and i'd like to keep it that way which means not talking to you." I added on the end, whispering so that others wouldn't hear.

"So what are you saying?" Jon asked, his face sinking every moment.

"I'm saying that i think we should stay away from eachother for a while." I walked away as i saw Zayn's car pull up in the car park. 

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