Chapter 18

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Zayns P.O.V

Everyone had been back for about an hour but we just sat there in silence, thinking about where she could be. 

"Why don't you all try and sleep, you're not gonna be much good in the morning if you're too tired." Paul told us but no one got up.

"Even if i tried i wouldn't be able to sleep." Harry announced and Niall agreed. 

"If she's with that Jake guy, i'll kill him. If anyone has touched her i will honestly-" 

"Calm down mate, cross that bridge when you come to it." Josh interrupted Liam before he got too angry. 

"When i'm mad or upset, i eat." Niall announced. 

"I go to Danielle's." Liam added. 

"I go shopping." Louis said and Eleanor agreed with him. 

"I just sit at home and watch movies." Harry told us and i thought about what i do. 

"I have a place where i like to go and think about everything, it's kind of private, can't tell you." I managed to slip out. Then it hit me. The only other person that knows about that place is Holly and i told her that it's a good place to go when you want to be alone. It was a long shot but it was definitely worth a try. I got up and ran out the door without saying anything and ran towards the gap in the wall. I climbed through and sprinted up the stairs, not stopping to catch my breath. I opened the door and stepped onto the roof to see Holly sat up in a ball near the edge. The rain was loud and therefore, she didn't hear me come behind her. "Holly." She turned around to look at me. She was completely soaked and shivering. I pulled her up and into me, hugging her tightly. "We were so worried, don't ever do that again, you've been up here for so long." 

"I was hoping to spend the night up here." She shivered. 

"You have no idea, you had everyone searching London for you, even Josh and Paul." 

"Are you serious? I'm so sorry, i just wanted to be alone."

"Liam's really worried, you need to come back now, you're definitely gonna be sick tomorrow." I told her and picked her up like a monkey. She clung onto me with her freezing cold hands and i felt her warm breath on my neck. I walked back down to Liam's apartment and walked in, still carrying her. Everyone stood up as soon as they saw her and Liam fell to the ground putting his head into his hands before jumping back up again. 

"Where the hell were you?!" He asked as he pulled her off of me but she didn't answer. Harry kissed her head and pulled her in for a hug. 

"You know i just said i had a secret place? Well Holly's taken it over." I smiled as i went to get her a towel. I wrapped the towel around her and she went to get changed to her pajamas. 

"Well boys, am i allowed to get home to my lovely family now?" Paul joked and we all laughed. Before he left i went over and hugged him.

"Thank you for looking for her in the middle of the night, it means a lot." I told him and he slapped his hand gently against my face. 

"You're like my sons, i'll be there whenever." He smiled and walked out the door. 

"Liam, do you mind if i crash here tonight?" Josh asked and Liam nodded. 

"Of course, but there's no extra bed, so you're gonna have to sleep on the sofa." Liam replied.

"Yeah, that's fine." Josh smiled. Niall, Louis and Eleanor decided to go home and sleep now that everything was ok leaving Liam, Josh, Harry, Holly and I sitting in the living room. 

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