Chapter 3

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Liams P.O.V

What the fuck? Did i not just tell Zayn to back off her?

"Get out Zayn." I said. 

"Liam, it's really not what it looks like, we-" Zayn replied

"Just get out." I interupted. 

Zayn got up, looked at Holly and walked out the door. 

"Liam, you didn't need to be so rude, we were just playing!" Holly told me while sitting up.

"I don't care, he's not going near you. I know him, and i know he will hurt you, Holly."

"Liam, i have a boyfriend! I have no interest in Zayn and he has no interest in me. We are FRIENDS and we were play fighting just like you boys do sometimes." 

"I'll go talk to Zayn later, i just don't want you to get hurt, that's all." I said as i walked out the room awkwardly. 

Hollys P.O.V

I was annoyed. Me and Zayn are friends and Liam was making such a big deal out of nothing. He just created an awkward situation for all of us. I get that Liam cares, i just wish he would chill out. 

"PIZZA!" I heard and i walked out of my room to the kitchen. 

Zayns P.O.V

That was so awkward. How am i supposed to act now? Holly is probably going to ignore me to keep Liam happy. I don't want to stop talking to her, why is Liam being like this. We are JUST friends.

"Harry, get me a piece, please." I said as Harry walked in. 

"Get it yourself." He smiled with a mouthful of pizza. 

I got up and walked into the kitchen. Holly was there, alongside Niall and Louis pouring drinks into glasses. 

"Here Niall, Louis" she said as she turned around and handed them the glasses. She looked at me and bit her lip. 

"Do you, uh, want a drink?" she asked me. 

"Um, yes please." I quickly responded as she poured it. 

Maybe it wasnt going to be that awkward. We could be normal again, i just had to break the ice. 

I reached over to grab a piece of pizza at the same time as Holly did. Our hands crashed together and i looked up at her. 

"Sorry, thats my piece, don't touch." I winked and smiled. 

She raised her eyebrows at me, grabbed my hand off the pizza and put the piece onto her own plate.  I reached to take it from her plate. 

"Don't you dare, it's my piece!" She laughed, pulling her plate away. 

I continued to reach for the pizza so she picked it up and gave it a big lick. 

"Disgusting" I joked as she stuck her tongue out at me. 

I shook my head and left the kitchen with her following me.

"What were you guys doing?!" Niall asked. 

"Well, Holly took my pizza and so-"

"I did not take your pizza! It was my piece." Holly interupted. 

I laughed and watched her eat. I was happy that she came to live here. She was everything i like in a person. 

Hollys P.O.V

Zayn's a great guy. He always flirts with me but someone like Zayn Malik would never be interested in Holly Payne. Not that i care, I have a boyfriend anyway and I can't leave him. That reminds me, I have to see him tomorrow. shit. 

I took the boys plates as well as my own and brought them to the kitchen. 

"Perfect, she's house trained!" Harry yelled so I picked up a plum from the kitchen and threw it at his head. 

"Fiesty one you are." Harry laughed. "apologize." he demanded. 

"Sorry not sorry" I replied and with that i decided it was time for bed. I had a long day with my beloved boyfriend, Jake, ahead of me.

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