Chapter 19

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Holly's P.O.V

I spent the next 2 weeks with the boys, still resisting the urge to tell Zayn how i really feel. Today they were leaving to go on tour and i missed my first day of school so that i could say goodbye. We drove to the airport in a limo so that we could all fit in one car. I sat in between Harry and Zayn.

"What am i gonna do without you guys?" I asked.

"You'll be fine!" Harry smiled but i sighed. 

"You won't even be here to talk about school. I'm so scared, i hate school, what if everyone hates me?" I worried and Zayn laughed.

"Shut up, you're pretty and you're nice, why wouldn't they like you?" Zayn replied. "And if anyone bothers you, you know you can always call any of us." 

"Yeah but what are you gonna do? Oh hi Zayn, i'm getting beat up right now, can you pause your concert to come back to England and save me." I joked.

"That won't happen babe. You are Liam Payne's sister, you will be worshipped, trust me. Just focus on school get good grades while we're not around to distract you. You'll be coming to tour with us during your next school break which is in what a month?" Harry reminded me, making me smile. 

We got to the airport and unloaded the bags onto 5 luggage carts and walked in. We stopped before we got to security where we had to part. I felt a lump form in my throat, i knew it wasn't for long but i didn't know how i was going to live without them. Apparently it was visible on my face because Niall turned to me and wrapped his arms around me. "Don't be sad. We'll call you as soon as we get there and we can skype all the time, have fun at school babe, make new friends!" 

"Thanks Niall, i'll miss you so much, have fun on tour." I smiled, wiping a tear from my face. 

The next person to hug me was Harry. He pulled me in for a tight hug and then released, holding both my shoulders with his big hands. "Don't worry about school, you'll be fine, like i said, Liam Payne's sister. I'll miss you so much and i can't wait for you to come, if you need me, just text and i'll reply as soon as i can, i promise." 

"You're the best, have fun and call me as soon as you get there, Niall will probably forget." 

"BYE BABE!" Louis yelled from behind me and i turned to face him. "Remember everything i told you about what to wear, Eleanor will be there to help you anyway so you'll be fine." He added and i burst out laughing. 

"You're so funny, i'm gonna miss you and your fashion tips. We can go shopping in America when i get there." I beamed and he smiled back. 

"That's my girl. Never been so proud." He winked and pulled me in for a hug. After, i walked towards Liam who was talking to Danielle so i waited for him to turn around. As soon as he did, i hugged him.

"I'm worried about you Holl." He told me and i looked up at him. 


"Leaving you with Danielle, you starting the new school, not being there if you need me, time difference-"

"You worry too much, i'll be fine, i'm excited for school!" I lied to make him feel better. "Honestly Liam, i will be fine and i'll be with Danielle, you just go have fun. I'll talk to you when you get there." I reassured him and he smiled. 

"Ok, focus on school Holly. Seriously, you missed a year, you need to actually pay attention."

"I will try my best, i promise." I smiled and turned to Zayn. This was the hardest goodbye because i couldn't tell him how i felt. 

I opened my arms to hug him and he scooped his arms around my waist and lifted me up. The lump in my throat grew bigger and i was about to cry any minute. "I'll miss you." He told me as he put me down. 

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