Chapter 9.

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Holly's P.O.V

I walked into my bedroom to get ready for dinner. Liam had insisted that we all go out and set our differences aside. Considering how Harry was acting, i didn't think that was gonna happen. I do feel bad, if he only understood that there was nothing i could do. 

What am i supposed to wear? I was never a fashionable girl. To say clothes are boring is an understatement. 

"LIAM" I shouted to him. 

"Yeah?" He said popping his head around the door. 

"I honestly have nothing to wear." 

He laughed and put his finger up signaling he'd be right back. I sat on my bed and after a few minutes, Eleanor and Louis entered the room. 

It was my first time officially meeting Eleanor. I knew who she was from the boys talking about her but i'd always felt intimidated by her because she's amazingly gorgeous.

"Hey Holly, I'm Eleanor." She smiled. She was wearing a short but elegant white dress with flat sandals. The dress was different, definitely not something i would've bought but it looked incredible on her. 

"Hey! Wow you look amazing." I told her. 

"Aw thank you. Louis picked this out for me actually!" 

"Which is why we are here, to find you something to wear." Louis beamed.

"I have boring clothes, you wont find anything." I laughed. 

"And that is why i'm here!" Eleanor said, picking up a bag off the ground and putting it on my bed. 

She opened it revealing a great selection of dresses. Louis took out a navy polka dot dress and shoved it in my face. 

"Don't say a word, just try it." 

I did as he said and the dress looked awful on me. 

"Ok, yeah, not your style." He said with wide eyes. 

Eleanor and Louis picked out a few more before they found the perfect one for me. It was a one shoulder, floral, laced dress. 

"Umm, no, i dont think that one would-"

Louis gave me a look. "Holly, who knows fashion?" 

"You." I sighed taking the dress from him. 

After i put it on, i walked into the room and Lou and Eleanor both smiled. 

"Oh my god, you look better in that than i do and it's my dress!" Eleanor laughed. 

I looked into the mirror at myself. It did look good, and i really wasn't the type of person to compliment myself. 

"Bring me shopping with you guys next time, I never would've looked at this." I admitted and Eleanor laughed. 

"Go put your makeup on, babe, we'll be with the boys." Louis said and i smiled, walking into the bathroom. 

I liked Eleanor, she was really friendly. I knew that if we spent more time together, we could end up good friends. She's basically the female version of Louis. 

Zayn's P.O.V

"We have been waiting for half an hour, who are we even waiting for?" Harry asked, rudely.

"Holly, she had a bit of an emergency." Louis laughed sitting with Eleanor. 

"We should just leave without her." Harry muttered under his breath.

"Dont be rude, that's my sister." Liam hit him upside the head. 

At that moment, Holly walked into the room. There are no words for how beautiful she looked. She stood there awkwardly as everyone stared, it wasn't how Holly normally dressed. 

"Let's go." Harry said, breaking the silence. We all stood up and started exiting out the door. 

I was going to stay back and talk to Holly but Liam beat me to it. He put his arm around her and told her how good she looked. Typical Holly shrugged him off and told him to stop being so cheesy which made me smile. 

------------AT THE RESTAURANT-----------

Hollys P.O.V

The seating plan went Zayn, me, Liam's girlfriend, Danielle, and Liam on one side and Harry across from Zayn, then Eleanor, then Louis and finally Niall across from Liam. 

Harry didn't want to sit there but he was the last to walk in and therefore, got that seat near me and Zayn. 

"This food is really expensive!" I said, being the only person at the table that couldn't afford it. 

"Told you we should've just gone to Nandos." Niall pointed out and i agreed. 

"Dont worry about it, it's on me." Zayn smiled at me. 

"No, she's my sister, i got it!" Liam said to Zayn. 

We all started eating our food and everyone was having separate conversations. Zayn and I were talking about his other friends from Bradford. 

Harry sat there awkwardly eating and not saying anything so Zayn, being the nice guy that he is tried to pipe up a conversation with him. 

"Harry, remember the time you first met Danny and you thought he was a fan so you asked him if he wanted to picture?" Zayn laughed. 

"Yup." Harry replied with no emotion what so ever. 

I just ate my chicken and tried to avoid the awkward moment. 

"Oh yeah and remember when we went to Liam's house when he still lived with his mum and Holly and we all snuck out through the top window?" Zayn laughed and i looked at him. 

"You did what?" I said laughing with him. 

"Yeah, we got onto the roof and Niall fell off and landed in a bush, we thought he died because he didn't talk for about a minute."

"I remember that!" I exclaimed, "I looked outside to see what the noise was and assumed it was a cat or something!" I said, remembering back to those times a few years ago. I looked over at Harry and managed to see him smile. 

"I miss those times." Harry said, quietly but loud enough for us to hear him. 

"Me too, i first met you guys and i wanted to hangout with you so badly but Liam didn't let me so i made excuses to come see you like bringing you drinks and stuff." I said, still laughing. 

Harry looked up at me and started laughing. "Yeah, we kind of noticed." 

I went completely red. 

"Harry, listen, i'm really sorry, you know, for what happened. I should have stood up for you and next time i will. I just want my Harry back." I smiled and he smiled back. 

"And i'm sorry for being rude and ignoring you these few days but i dont want to meet your boyfriend again." He winked at me and i turned around to see everyone smiling at us. 


Shitty chapter i know, im sorry. I had to get through the boring stuff to get to the good stuff yenno :) 

xoxooxox brogan

ps. i didn't edit this so sorry if there's mistakes!

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