Chapter 28

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I walked through the hallway when the end of school bell went. Jon was waiting for me in his car to drive me home. The thought of being with Karen and Luke alone without Liam made me feel sick. Especially Karen. Everything she did to me, i hadn't forgotten it and i never will forget it. She thinks she can just waltz back into my life and act like a perfect mother. I don't think so.

"Hi babe." Jon smiled as i reached the car. "How was your day?"



"Everythings shit when the boys are away." I climbed into the car and flung my bag onto the back seat. 

"Well, you have me." 

"Not the same." I replied without thinking. "Oh, sorry I didn't mean it like that." 

"No, it's okay." He laughed and began driving. We talked about his school day until we reached my house. He offered to walk me in but i really wasn't in the mood to introduce him to the family that i had just been introduced to. 


"Hello Dolly, how was your day?" Luke beamed as i walked through the door. 

"I told you to not call me that and it was shit."

"Were there no other adjectives that you could've used other than shit?"


"Holly, i know you're mad at me for what i did the other night and i'm sorry. You're in my best interests."

"Yeah, whatever." 

"Liam thinks he's got everything under control-"

"He does." I interrupted.

"Like i said before, its a kid bringing up a kid."

"Not being funny Luke but i'm about to explode. You left me with him. He's looked after me since he was basically a baby without anyone teaching him. He didnt have to bring me to live with him but he did and i'm so glad. I wanted to die in that house with her, you don't know what she did to me, you weren't there. Liam was and he knows what i went through, so can you just fuck off."

"Don't you dare talk to me like that Holly Payne. I know exactly what you went through, it wasn't me-"

"Just shut up. You werent there to watch 8 year old Liam get beat until he passed out. You didn't hear him whimper in his sleep and have nightmares because of her. You didn't see him take hits for me but i did. I saw all of it and it wont ever leave me. I owe my life to him and i owe nothing to you." I felt a lump form in my throat and ran out the front door before the tears formed.

I wanted Zayn. I headed to the place that reminded me of him, the roof. 

I sat near the edge looking down at the busy London Roads and called Zayn on facetime to see if he could talk. 

"Hi beautiful." He answered smiling with Harry in the background. 


"How are you?" He asked and a tear ran from my eye. I couldnt stop it and before i realised, silent tears were flowing towards my chin. "Not good then. Whats up?"

"Luke, he-"

"Harry stop!" Zayn laughed 

"Zayn, are you listening?"

"Yeah sorry babe, carry on."

"I just got into an argument with Luke. I can't deal with him without you all here, i-"

"I'll have one please Lou!" Zayn shouted to Louis on the other side of the camera and i just waited, unimpressed.


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